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. 英语绕口令 Vowel sounds 元音 [ i: ] Seeing is believing.眼见为实。 2. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真正朋友。 3. Knee deep, deep knee, she saw his deep knee. 膝盖深,深膝盖,她看见他的深膝盖。 I don ’t need your needles, they are needless to me, for the needing of needles is needless, you see. 我不需要你的针,它们对没用,因为你知道根本不需要针。 [ i ] 1. Lily lives in a big city.莉莉住在大城市里。 2. The fisherman found the fish they fished. 渔翁找到了他们抓的鱼。 3. If I assist a sister-assistant, will the sister-assistant assist me? 如果我能帮助一个女助手,那么姐妹的女 助手能帮助我吗? Indianapolis is not in India, honey. Indians are in Indians are in Indiana. But the Indian Indians and the Indianan Indians are not identical Indians. 亲爱的,印第安那不利斯不在印度,印度人在印度,印第安人 在印第安那,但印度的印度人和印第安那的印第安人不是同种的 Indians. [ e ] 1. East or west , home is the best.无论东南与西北,家是最好的。 2. Eloquent elephants telephoned other eloquent elephants. 口才好的大象给另一些口才好的大象打电 话。 3. Sally is selfish selling shellfish. So Sally’ s shellfish seldom sell.因为萨莉在出售贝壳时很自私,所以萨 莉的贝壳很难出售。 4. Of all the smells I have ever smelt, I never smelt a smell that smelt like that smell smelt. 在我曾经闻 过的所有味道中,我从来没有闻过闻起来像这种味道的味道。 [?] 1. Don ’ t let the cat out of the bag. 不要泄露这个秘密。 2. Can an active actor always act accurately? 一个活跃的演员总能把角色演到位吗? 3. Fancy Nancy did not fancy doing fancywork. 时髦的南希不喜欢针线活。 Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie? 你能想象到一个虚构的动物园经理能够想象经营一个虚构大风动物园吗? [ ?:] 1. First come, first served.先来先得。 2. The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 3. We learned thirty new words on the first day. 我们第一天学了 30 个新单词。 4. The nurse from Perth got her first job in a firm. 这个从珀斯来的护士第一份工作是在公司里做的。 [ ?] 1. Births of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。 2. The runner runs faster and faster. 奔跑者跑得越来越快。 3. What do you call your father ’s mother ’s daughter ’s sister? 你怎么称呼你的父亲的妈妈的女儿的姐 姐? 1 / 7 . 4. The famous dancer will come and perform an Indian dance. 这个著名的舞蹈家将来这里表演印度舞 蹈。 [ ?] 1. Paul drew dump ducks drumming drums. 保罗引出在垃圾场敲鼓的鸽子。 2. The couple comes to the shop once a mon


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