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如何去除白衬衫上的汗渍 一不小心,衣服上的汗渍呢?接下来,小编给大家准备了如何去除白衬衫上的汗渍,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 如何去除白衬衫上的汗渍 When your crisp white dress shirt or favorite tee starts yellowing around the collar or under the arms — dont sweat. Removing those unsightly stains is easier than you think with the help of natural ingredients that will leave that article of clothing looking fresh. And this eco-friendly cleaning solution costs basically nothing, which means the money you save on dry cleaning can go toward an indulgent coffee at your favorite spot. 如果你新买的白衬衣或者最爱的T恤的领口或腋下开始泛黄,别瞎忙活。去除那些难看的污渍比你想象的要容易,一些天然原料可以帮助你让这些衣服焕然一新。而且这种不破坏环境的洗衣方式基本是零花费,这意味着你可以把要花在干洗上的钱省下来,去你最爱的地方放任自己喝一杯咖啡。 Read on for what to do. 来看看该怎么做。 What Youll Need: 1 cup vinegar 1/2 cup baking soda 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide 你需要: 1杯醋 1/2杯小苏打 1大汤匙盐 1大汤匙双氧水 Directions: 用法说明: 1.Most think sweat stains are caused by sweat, but they are actually the result of a reaction between aluminum-based antiperspirants and your body. To attack the discoloration, soak the shirt in a bowl filled with the vinegar and two cups warm water. Soak for at least 20 minutes. 1.大多数人认为汗渍是由出汗导致的,但事实上是含铝的止汗剂和你的身体之间发生反应的结果。想要去除这种污渍,把衬衣浸泡在盆里,加入醋和两杯温水。至少浸泡20分钟。 2.Mix together the baking soda, salt, and hydrogen peroxide until it forms a paste. Remove the shirt from the vinegar water and gently squeeze until the shirt is just damp. Lay flat on a towel-covered work surface and coat the stains with the mixture. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural whitening agent, and baking soda and salt work together to lift the stain. Let sit for at least 20 minutes. 2.把小苏打、盐和双氧水混合搅拌,直至糊状。把衬衣从加了醋的水中取出,轻轻拧干直至不滴水。把衬衣平摊在一个铺了毛巾的平面上,用之前搅拌的混合物覆盖污渍。双氧水是天然的增白剂,和小苏打、盐一起可以去除污渍。坐等至少20分钟。 3.Toss the shirt in the laundry with a load of whites and wash. Voilà! Now you can take off your jacket and raise your arms proudly without worrying about flashing nasty stains. 3.把这件衬衣和其他衣物一起拿去洗衣房清洗。瞧!现在你可以脱下你的夹克,骄傲地抬起双臂,


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