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精品文档 Unit 3 Traditional skills 一、要点概括 1. 短语 Paper cutting, up to, set off, up dan down, after dark, no more, all the time 2. 句型 (1) Would you like to take part in our...? (2) Although he is over 65, he is very fit and still enjoys working. (3) They can dive down and stay under the water for up two two minutes. (4) Daimin usually stes off in the late afternoon and gets the cormorants ready for work. (5) During the day, he jumps up and down on his boat. (6) At dark, he hangs a light on a post at the front of the boat. (7) The fish are taken and thrown into a big basket by Damin. (8) No nets are required for this type of fishing. (9) Cormorant fishing was once practised in lots of places in South-East China. (10) Later, some of the fish will be sold in the market. 二、疑难宝典 1. hang on 用作电话用语(其后可接 a minute, a moment, a while 之类的词),意为:等一下; 别放下电话;别挂断。 2. reach 除了“到达”外,还有“伸手去够或拿”的意思。如: Some oranges are hard to reach. The girl was short so she couldn’t reach the cup on the table. 【区别】get, reach和 arrive ? get 是不及物动词,常和 to 连用。但当“到达”的地点是 home 或副词( here, there)时, to 需要省略。如: When did you get there last night? 精品文档 精品文档 I get home at 7:00 pm every day. ? arrive 为不及物动词,后须加上介词 in/ at 才能连接表示地点的名词。 表示到达大城市或国家时要用 arrive in,而到达乡村、车站等小地方则用 arrive at。如: We arrived in London last week. The doctor arrived at the village at last. ? reach 为及物动词,其后既可以跟名词也可跟副词。如: I reached Beijing the day before yesterday. We reached here on foot. 一、单词拼写。 1. The English teachers r________ the students to listen carefully. 2. Let’s h__________ the picture on the wall. 3. When he r________ Guangzhou, it was almost 11 pm. 4. The books over there are on science. Waht about the r________. 5. Eating much vegetable is good for you to keep f_________. 二、完成句子。 1. 男孩家离学校很远,所以他不得不每天一大早就出发。 The boy lives far from the school, so he has to _______


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