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近三年高考全国二卷好词好句整理 除了做题,听分析讲评,高考真题是一个值得不断深挖的学习素材。如果只用来刷题,预测高考分数,真的有些浪费。我们还可以从高考真题中找出许多好词好句,从这些好词好句中,我们可以学到教材中很少出现的重点词汇、重点短语以及重点句型等等。所以,做真题后,要将这些句子整理下来。你如果没有时间整理,至少要用记号标出并在旁边附上注解,有空时,可以有重点地不断温习,不断背诵。这是“全国卷II”好词好句。 ? 1.【A篇】By translating the rich and humourous text of Love\\s Labor\\s Lost into the physical language of BSL, Deafinitely Theater creates a new interpretation of Shakespeare\\s comedy and aims to build a bridge between deaf and hearing worlds by performing to both groups as one audience.? 将丰富而幽默的《爱的徒劳》剧本翻译成BSL肢体语,Deafinitely Theater对莎士比亚的喜剧进行了全新的诠释,目的是通过为听障人士与正常人表演,在两者之间架起沟通的桥梁。 ●sb aim to do sth?力求达到... We?aim to?finish by Friday.? 我们力争星期五之前完成。? ●Sth be aimed at doing sth?旨在(做)... The program?is aimed at?reducing road accidents? 这个计划旨在减少道路事故? ●build a bridge between...and... =make a better relationship 在...之间架起沟通(联系)的桥梁 The training programme is seen as?a bridge between?school?and?work.? 该培训计划被视为衔接学校和职场的桥梁。? The scheme is aimed at?building bridges between?the police?and?the community? 该方案旨在搭建警民联系桥梁。 ? 2.【A篇】Since 1985, they have been recognised as the national theatre of Israel. This production of Shakespeare\\s The Merchant of Venice marks their first visit to the UK. ?自从1985年以来,他们被认为是以色列的国家大剧院。莎士比亚的戏剧《威尼斯的商人》标志着首次访问英国。 ●be recognized as sth 被认为是... His novel?was?eventually?recognized as?a work of genius.? 他的小说终于被认为是天才之作。 ●mark...v.标志(转折点) These elections?mark the end of?an era.? 这些选举标志着一个时代的结束。 ●mark...?庆祝,纪念〔重要事件〕 =to celebrate an important event? They held celebrations to?mark National Day. ? 他们举行活动庆祝国庆节。? ●mark sth with sth?用...庆祝... Carter\\s 90th birthday will be marked?with?a large party at the Hotel.? 卡特90岁生日将在酒店举办盛宴庆贺 Mrs Lawson was presented with a gold watch to?mark the occasion. 劳森太太被赠予一块金表作为纪念。 ? 3.【B篇】The friendship that grew out of the experience of making that film and The Sting four years later had its root in the fact that although there was an age difference, we both came from a tradition of theater and live TV. We were repectful of craft


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