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(B) Let’s Talk * run __________ jump __________ swim __________ write __________ sleep __________ fight __________ drink __________ swing __________ climb __________ running jumping swimming writing sleeping fighting drinking swinging climbing Race to Answer (抢答). * climbing fighting swinging drinking dancing flying swimming jumping * * sleeping monkeys elephants pandas pigs rabbits What are the ______s doing? They are _____. * What are they doing? They’re _____. What do you see? I see_______. * B: I see two cats. A: What are they doing ? B: They are walking. * Can you see …? Yes, they’re… * √ √ √ * * * B Let’s talk 1 What can John see ? He can see two elephants. 2 What are the elephants doing? They are drinking water. 3 What are the monkeys doing ? They are swinging . * * In the Nature Park自然公园 A: What do you see ? B: I see ______(s). A: What are they doing ? B: They are ______. A: Can you see the…(s)? B: Yes. They are ....(ing) * TIPS(提示): 1. singing 2. dancing 3. playing the piano 4. playing the violin 5. playing football 6.having math class A: Hello ,It’s XX. What are you doing ? B: I am visiting school . A: What do you see ? B: I see many students. A: What are they doing ? B: They are … A: Have a good time . See you ! B : Bye ! At school 与朋友通话,讲述您正在参观学校所见到的事情。 * * Exercise Fill in the blanks: What ______ you see? I can see some animals. ______ they see the tigers? Yes, they do. What _______the children doing? Can pandas _________ trees? The elephants ____________ water near the river. can Do are plant are drinking * * 濒危动物 我们人类,动物,植物,都是自然界的一部分,是生命世界的一员。目前为止,世界上有很多动物正在濒临灭绝, * 金丝猴 白鳍豚 华南虎 藏羚羊 扬子鳄 大熊猫 * * * 近年来,野味一直是许多人追求的美食,果子狸、鳄鱼、鹿等野味一度成为美味佳肴,蛇、蛙、鹰等人类益友也被端上餐桌,许多珍贵动物常在高级餐饮场所出现。 * 总而言之: 只要人类不去打搅动物的生活生存环境。不去危害动物的生命,这就是对动物最大的保护了。 * 读书课文仿写对话 小屋练习 * * *


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