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小学安全工作实施方案 XXXX小学安全工作实施方案 学校安全工作关系到社会的稳定,关系到学校的教育教学工作能否正常开展,它的责任重于泰山,必须常抓不懈,时时警钟长鸣。为了建设平安校园、和谐校园,使我校安全工作经常化、制度化、规范化,以维护学校正常的教育教学秩序, 确保全校师生的人身和财产安全,结合我校实际,制定本方案。 一、 加强领导,健全网络,落实责任。 建立有效的工作网络,明确各自的职责是学校安全工作正常运转的有效保证。学校安全工作“责任重于泰山”。健全学校安全工作领导机构和各项安全工作责任制度,依法落实各项安全措施,做到负责到人。根据“谁主管,谁负责”的原则,层层落实安全责任制。校长是学校安全工作的第一责任人,学校把安全工作作为对 每位教师年度考核的重要内容,并实行“一票否决制”。 安全工作领导小组成员和职责 : 1、领导小组成员 : 组长 :XX 副组长 :XX XX 组员 :XXX XX XX XX 2、成员职责 : 组长 : 负责安全方案、安全工作计划、安排的审定,全面监管、督查安全方 案、安全工作计划、安排的实施、执行情况,并提出指导意见或评价。 副组长 : 配合组长制定学校安全工作计划、方案、安排等,进行各项工作的具 体安排、实施,指导开展各项具体工作,具体负责校内外安全工作。 组员 : 依据工作方案或根据学校安排的各项工作,具体、深入地开展和落实安 全工作。 二、目标要求 : 本学期学校安全工作的目标要求是 : 认真贯彻省、市、县教育行政部门、 Three, strengthen leadership, compaction responsibility to promote the effective implementation of the comprehensive improvement task of the outstanding issues Comprehensive renovation of urban environment and work together to build a better home, the need for the city to work together, work together to tackle. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the idea of the city a game of chess, said the overall situation, speak match, responsibility, duties, responsibilities, work together to promote the the work. On the one hand, to strengthen organization and leadership, and levels of responsibility. Work for the comprehensive improvement of the implementation of the leaders take overall charge, is responsible for the territory of territorial management, who is in charge who is responsible for, a pair of functional departments and the division responsible for five responsibility system. First, the leading cadres to pro force for the party and government leaders at all levels should be highly responsible, put enough effort, carefully organized, by the front command, to promote environmental remediation work. Departments to carry out their duties. The municipal units to obey the command and the area of unified command and control, according to the sanding program, conscientiously perform their duties, in close collaboration with the


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