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(新课标) 2020 高考英语大二轮提分练 题型组合练(十) Ⅰ. 完形填空 (2019 ·广东深圳二调 ) Two-year-old Nancy is deaf.However ,that hasn’t stopped her from being a(n) 1 little girl trying to “chat ” to anyone she meets.As soon as she goes out into town with her parents , she starts 2 in the hope that the person she is talking to 3 sign language too. Normally ,hearing loss is a social 4 for those who don ’t know how to use sign language.Anyone Nancy tried to talk to 5 this and felt so sorry they couldn ’t 6 .They wished they could 7 her and say something back , but they found themselves completely 8 . Then,something amazing happened.Instead of causing a 9 ,this barrier brought the community( 社区 ) together.Determined to 10 sign language so that they could talk to Nancy , her 11 hired an instructor on their own , and now they are 12 to taking classes together.The teacher 13 that this is really remarkable because , quite often ,even the parents of deaf children don ’t 14 to learn the language.But here Nancy has a full community that is signing and communicating with her , and it is a 15 story. The teacher also says that this level of inclusion will make a huge difference in Nancy’s 16 .It almost certainly guarantees that she will be a happier and more 17 indivi dual in the future.Nancy ’s parents are already noticing a 18 in their daughter and they have no words to express how 19 they are to their neighbors. With a little girl and a lot of love , the neighbors 20 make the neighborhood a community. 语篇解读 本文讲述了 2 岁的南茜虽然失聪了但她喜欢与人交流。社区里的人们因为不懂手语,无法回应她而自发学习手语。因为有爱,邻居们把这个社区变成了一个大家庭。 1. A.independent B. helpful C. outgoing D. generous 答案 C 解析 independent 独立的; helpful 有帮助的; outgoing 外向的; generous 大方的。根据 1 下文中的“ trying to ‘chat ’ to anyone she meets ”可知,失聪并没有阻止南茜成为一 个外向的小女孩。故选 C。 2. A.signing B. cheering C. waving D. smiling 答案 A 解析 sign 打手势,示意; cheer 欢呼; wave 挥手; smile 微笑。根据上文可知南茜失聪了, 此处指她开始运用“手语”,对应下文中的“ sign language ”。故选A。 3. A.accepts B. appreciates C. recognizes D. knows 答案 D



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