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The Ren aissa nee This is a greatest and most adva need revoluti on in the huma n history. This is the age the gia nts are n eeded and produced. F. En gles 1 Brief in troduct ion ?Renaissance in European history, refers to the period between 14th century to 17th century. It started in Italy and en ded in En gla nd and Spain. ? “ Renaissancem”ans “ revival the ,revival of interest in Ancient Greek and Roman culture and getting rid of conservatism in feudalist Europe and introducing new ideas that express the interests of the rising bourgeoisie. ?Re naissa nce spra ng first i n Italy (Florence and Ven ice) with the floweri ng of pain ti ngs, sculpture and architecture, and gradually spread all over Europe; ?Re naissa nce origi nally in dicated a revival of classical arts and scie nce (ancient Greek and Roma n culture) after the dark ages of medieval obscura ntism. During the period of Renaissance: the Roma n Catholic Church was shake n, old scie nces revived and new scie nces emerged, n ati onal Ian guages and cultures took shape, art and literature flourished Brief in troduct ion ?There arose an interest in the manuscripts surviving from ancient Greece and Rome. Classical learning and philosophy were en thusiastically studied. ?The intellectual wisdom of ancient Greece and Rome encouraged a rebirth of human spirit , a realization of human potential for development and creation . ?Never before in human history were men and women so eager to create and discover something new . In Italy a group of artists, scientists, politicians , and writers created the most brilliant page of culture and science in Renaissance Europe. Examples: Coper nicus (哥白尼)asserted that the earth was not the cen ter of the uni verse; The passi on ate Petrarch produced sonn ets that in flue need Shakespeare and many others; Boccaccio(卜伽邱)wrote tales of eter nal charm: The Decamer on; Marco Polo (马可波罗 )made journeys into the remote kingdom of China ; Michelangelo (米开朗琪罗),Leonardo da Vinci (达芬奇),Ra


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