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广东省东莞市光明中学 2017-2018 学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题(无答案) 2017-2018 上学期光明中学高二英语第一次月考 第 II 卷 笔试(满分 125 分) 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题 :每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项〔 A 、B、 C、和 D) 中选出最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑 A You probably know who Marie Curie was, but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson. Of the outstanding ladies listed below, who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years? Jane Addams(1860-1935) Anyone who has ever been helped by a social worker has Jane Addams to thank. Addams helped the poor and worked for peace. She encouraged a sense of community(社 区 ) by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need. In 1931, Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Rachel Carson(1907-1964) If it werent for Rachel Carson, the environmental movement might not exist today. Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the worlds lakes and oceans. Sandra Day OConnor(1930-present) When Sandra Day OConnor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School, in 1952, she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman. She became Arizona state senator(参议员 ) and, in 1981, the first woman to join the U.S. Supreme Court. OConnor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 years on the top court. Rosa Parks(1913-2005) On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks would not give up her 1/11 广东省东莞市光明中学 2017-2018 学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题(无答案) seat on a bus to a passenger. Her simple act landed Parks in prison. But it also set off the Montgomer y bus boycott. It lasted for more than a year, and kicked off the civil-rights movement. The only tired I was, was tired of giving in, said Parks. What is Jane Addams noted for in history? A: Her social work. B: Her lack of proper training in law C: Her efforts to win a prize. D: Her community background. What is the reason for OConnors being rejected by the law fi


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