外研版教科书一年级起点九年级初三英语上册I have some photos that I took in Australia last year..ppt

外研版教科书一年级起点九年级初三英语上册I have some photos that I took in Australia last year..ppt

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PPT课件 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year. PPT课件 * Let’s learn PPT课件 * That’s the Sydney Opera House. It’s like a huge sailing boat. the Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院 PPT课件 * Australia is famous for kangaroos, sometimes they jump alongside the cars. What other animals can you see in Australia? PPT课件 * koala 考拉 sheep 绵羊 camel 骆驼 PPT课件 * central中心的;在中间的 My house is very central.我的家非常靠近市中心。 Yao Ming’s height makes him stand out in the crowd. 姚明身材高大,因此在人群中很突出。 height身高 PPT课件 * sailing boat帆船 sheep羊;绵羊 scissors (复数)剪刀 The sheep farmer cuts wool off the sheep with scissors. 牧羊人用剪刀剪羊毛。 PPT课件 * His father ordered that he should keep a diary in English. 他父亲规定他用英语写日记。 keep a diary写日记 ant蚂蚁 brush (用刷子)刷 I brush ants off my clothes. 我把蚂蚁从衣服上刷下来。 PPT课件 * I have some photos that I took in Australia last year. 我有一些去年我在澳大利亚拍的照片。 句中的that you took in Australia是定语从 句,修饰先行词 the photos。 其中关系代 词that在定语从句中作took的宾语。 The handbag that I bought last week is lost. 上周我买的包丢了。 PPT课件 * 2. Here we go 我们这就去看看;我们开始吧 英语口语中Here/there + you /we +go/are这种短语极为常见。 从结构来 说, 这类习语有三个变量构成: 第一:地点指示是近指还是远指(here/there); 第二: 人称指示是对称还是自称(we/you); 第三: 谓语动词是动态还是静态(do/are) Here you go, Lucy. -Yeah. 你在这里呀,露西。-对啊。 Sam: Here you go: Im finished. 萨姆:给你表格,我写完了。 PPT课件 * 辨析:Here you go.”和“There you go.” (1). “Here you go.”指的是一件事情还在进行之中。 例如店员正把你买的东西交付给你,他会说“Here you go.” (2). “There you go.” 则是事情已经结束, 如果东西己经到了你手上,他会说的则是“There you go.” PPT课件 * 3. According to the local people…据当地人说… according to 相符的,一致的。 Everything went off according to plan. 一切都按照计划实现了。 注意:according to 后一般不接view(看法) 和 opinion(意见)这类词,也不接表示第一人称 的代词(me, us). 依我看,这部电影不错。 应该说 In my opinion, the film is wonderful. 不能说 According to my opinion, the film is wonderful. PPT课件 * 4. They wear special hats that keep the flies away. 他们带着特殊的帽子,阻挡苍蝇。 keep…away 使保持(某种状态) I sign to him to keep away, but he continued to advance. 我示意他离开, 但他还是继续往前走。 拓展:keep away from…离……远点 As long as you keep away from them, you’re safe.


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