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阿 阿ords Review^^ well crack smelly farmyard pipe burst millionn.井Il well crack smelly farmyard pipe burst million n.井 Il?裂缝;囁啪声 IB:! vt. & vi.(使)开裂;破裂 adj?发臭的;有臭味的 n?农场;农家 n.管;导管 vi. (burst, burst)爆裂;爆发 n?突然破裂;爆发 n?百万 n?事件;大事民族;国家;国民运河;水道 蒸汽;水汽 污垢;泥土 废墟;毁灭vt.毁灭; n?事件;大事 民族;国家;国民 运河;水道 蒸汽;水汽 污垢;泥土 废墟;毁灭 vt.毁灭; 使破产 n?苦难;痛苦 adj.极度的 event nation canal steam dirt ruin suffering extreme n n n n 阿 阿ords Review^^ vt?损害;伤害n.幸存者; vt?损害;伤害 n.幸存者; 生还者;残存物 injure survivor destroy brick dam track useless shock 无益的 震动 vt?破坏;毁坏;消灭 11?砖;砖块 m水坝;堰堤 n.轨道;足迹;痕迹 adj?无用的;无效的; vt?&vi?(使)震惊; m休克;打击;震惊 rescue n. & vt.援救;营救 trap electricity disaster bury mine miner shelter vt.使陷入困境 ii?陷阱;困境 n?电;电流;电学 n?灾难;灾祸 vt?埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 n?矿;矿山;矿井 n.矿工 n?掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处 as if at an end in ruins dig oua (great) number o as if at an end in ruins dig ou a (great) number o Match 严重受损;破败不堪 掘出;发现 许多;大量的 照常 佛;好像 束;终结 Skimming for general idea Main idea of the passage The passage mainly talks about a/an earthquake that happened in T^rigsh合ri in 1976 ? Part 3: para 4 Part 3: para 4 irecover^ Main idea of the text Clue (线索)of the story: time order Part 1: para 1 damage damage Part 2: paras 2 & 3 Scanning for specific information Choose the best answer. 另附word 文档链接 The earthquake began at 3:00 am, June 2& 1976 3:00 am, July 2& 1976 巒 3:42 am, July 2& 1976 people were killed or injured in the quake? A. Less than 400,000 廳 More than 400,000 More than 150,000 3? Before the earthquake the following happened EXCEPT that ? A. the water in the well rose and fell B? the animals were too nervous to eat C? bright lights appeared in the sky 巒 people made good preparations for the earthquake 4? How long did the earthquake last? A. Ten seconds. 巒Fifteen seconds. C? Twenty seconds. D? Half a minute? Which of the following didift happen during the earthquake? A. A huge crack appeared in the roads. B? Bricks covered the whole ground. 響 The injured were sent to hospital immediately. D? The railway tracks became useless pieces of steel? Num



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