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Period Two I I I I I l Rif鹏血gH郦 ;; 课前预习 课堂讲义 植 I I I 当堂达标 核心突 检测巩 课前预习基础落实 课前预习基础落实 课前预习基础落实 课前预习基础落实 ■词语识 I唔词检测 settler 移民;殖民者 settle v* 解决;定居 Athletic仇伉运动的 athlete 15动员 translator n*译员;翻译 translate “ 翻译 答案 4. minority 4. minority 〃?少数; 少数民族 majority n.大多数 5. cloth n.布 clothes n.衣服 6jungle n.丛林 creature n,生物;动物 create vt.创造 sunlight n.阳光 答案 答案 答案 答案 答案 advanced adj.^级的;先进的 advance n.前进;进步 g& pi.前进;促进;提前 brand n brand n. 商标;牌子 承认;允许进入 承认;允许进入 13> freeway 〃?高速公路 14.souvenir 纪念品 outing n.外出;短途旅行;远足 admission n.允许进入;入场费;承认 v.admit v. II ?短语检测 1?come across偶然遇到 2<come out 2<come out 出来;出版;发芽 3?get close to 接近 4>come to life 4>come to life 活跃起来 5?as well as 除 之外,还 6?in advance 提前 答案 答案 答案 答案 答案 Para. 1 Para. 1 Para.2^ Para.3^ ■课文预读 I ?阅读课文,匹配各段落的大意 A general description of the park. General information about how to visit the park. What I did at Futuroscope. II ?课文阅读理解 l.What is Futuroscope most famous for? Sports. B.Science and technology. C.Cartoons. D.Movies. 答案B 12 12 3 4 3 答案 答案 12 12 3 4 3 答案 答案 2.What does the phrase "in advancemean in this passage? A.On time. B.In the end. C.Right away. D.Ahead of time. 答案D 答案 答案 答案 答案 3?How long does it take to travel at Futuroscope? A.Only one day. B.Two days. C.Three d町s? D.Only a week. 答案A 4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? Opened in 1897, Futuroscope is one of the largest space-age parks in the world. You can also buy tickets online. Futuroscope is intended for individuals only. It is not convenient to drive to Futuroscope. 答案B 答案 答案 返回 答案 答案 返回 5?Traveiling at Futuroscope must be v€by A.boring B.difficult C.exciting D.dangerous 课堂讲义核心突破 课堂讲义核心突破 ■重点单词 Q settler I [语境感悟] (教材P36)Early American settlers were great carpenters一 they could build almost anything from wood. 早期的美国移民者都是极好的木匠们几乎都能用木头制成 任何东西。 When will you get married and settle down? 你什么时候会结婚安定下来呢? The trial period was over, and I could settle down to building a closer contact with the apes. 尝试阶段结束了,我可以安定下来,跟大猩猩建立更加亲密的 联系了。 The two sides


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