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Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab Reading and Vocabulary (II) 温馨提示 如杲您在观看本课件的过 程中出现压字現象.请关 闭所冇幻灯片.宜新打开 可正常现看. Learn some new words and phrases about science. Learn some knowledge about science. (3 ) Learn the usage of some important words and phrases. (4) Learn to write a science report. 新课导入 raclzl -Di it tho ctonoc in tho orHor Task 2:Listen and check your answer.squeeinlightblto工dipwrite...MF?3 Task 2:Listen and check your answer. squee in light bl to 工dip write... MF?3 Listen again and answer the questions. What,s the aim of the magical experiment? To write a secret message with invisible ink. How to heat the paper with secret message on it? You can hold the paper near the candle flame? Why does the message appear when you heat it ? Because the lemon juice react with oxygen in the air. 课堂探究 Language points 1. expand vi? vt.(使)膨胀;扩大;扩展 When you heat a metal, it expands. 金属加热时,它会膨胀。 [拓 展】 expansion n. expansive e?各 Air expands when heated. 空气受热会膨胀。 The writer expanded his short novel into a long one. 作者把他的短篇小说扩展成了长篇小说。 2. contract vi. vt.收缩;定合同n.合同,契约 e.g. (1) Low temperature con tracts metals. 低温使金属收缩。 (2) When cooled, this material contracts? 冷却时,这种材料缩小。 con tract sth ? with sb.=contract with sb. for sth ? 与某人订立…… e.g. They contracted a con tract with each other. 他们彼此之间订了 一个合同。 【即学即练】1?翻译:我们向一家公司订了十台电脑。 【即学即练】 1?翻译:我们向一家公司订了十台电脑。 2.Generally speaking,metals as the temperature increases and when they are cooled. A.contract; expand B. expand; contract C. contract; contract D. expand; expand 【解析】选B。句意:一般而言,金属会随着温度上 升而膨胀,冷却之后会收缩。expand“膨胀; contract收缩o 3. conclusion n. [C] 结论,决定 【拓展】 conclude v.得出结论 arrive at / come to / draw / reach a conclusion 得出结论 bring …to a conclusion 使 结束 in conclusion 总之,最后 e.g. In conclusion,I would like to thank everybody who helped me. 最后,我要感谢所有帮助过我的人。 【即学即练】 根据汉语提示完成句子: The investigation finally ended without anv (未得出任何结謬汇 却朋加湖dl醐ft always (结束他的故事)b劇耀融隔卿曲即恥 加1腳隅scene. 4. think of认为,想起 It is hard to think of a world without metals. 很难想象一个没有


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