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Period Three Cultural Corner 01KEQIANZIZHUXUEXI课前自主学习夯实基础,提升能力 01 KEQIANZIZHUXUEXI 课前自主学习 夯实基础,提升能力 I ?单词识记 / 日?.time added to the end of a 八 coach game ■ commentator _ n. a person who trains sportmen/sportswomen for games, L Competitions, etc n. someone on television or radio who describes an event as it is happe ning 5? gymnasium n. a large hall or room with special equipment for doing physical 6- version - exercises n. a form of something that is different from other forms or from the original II ?短语天地 1.2.pick up捡起 1. 2. pick up 捡起 根据……命鈣 name aft%到…… 3 ?饭0册ported to attach... to... 4. ? -bim 卄 Eo 6. 根据 绑到……上 类似 Ill?句型搜索 Teachers at the school were shocked and angry but Webb Elliss schoolmates enjoyed this new game, which they named after the school. [信息提取]name after 以 命名” □ [例句仿写]他们建立了一个实验事加以学生 的名字命名。 a student They built a new lab, which they Naismith attached two baskets to two tall poles at each end of the gymnasium. [信息提取]attach...to...连上;粘贴 [例句仿写]把邮票贴在信封上寄出去。; Attach _ a stamp the envelope and mail it. It is probably based on an old English game called rounders. [信息提取]be based on棍据,切以 为基 础 [例句仿写]科学理论必须以事实为根据。: Scientific theories must Because the modern rules of the game are very similar to his original rules. [信息提取]be similar to和 相似 [例句仿写]他们的房子和我们的差不多,只 是我们的花园大些。 Their housessimilarto Their houses similar to ours, but ours has a bigger garden. IV?预读理解 According to the passage, fill in the blanks. Time: In 1823 Place: In 1 England Inventor: William Webb Ellis Development: ?William Webb Ellis 2. Picked up the ball during America a soccer game and ran with it.His school-mates n football enjoyed this new game and they named it after the school. Eventually, it was played with a(n)3 oval ball that could be both carried and thrown. It was 4 ?exported to the United States and changed a lot.Americans now call it football. Time: In 5. 1891 Place: In Assachusetts Inventor: Dr James Naismith Development: ①In order to provide Basketballexercise for a nois


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