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我国石油企业社会责任研究——以中石油为例 摘 要 快速发展的经济使得我国能源生产和消费的需求激增,这种势头也使得石油行业在我国经济发展中享有越来越高的地位。随着行业地位上升,企业将谋取利益最大化放在首位,从而使得原本该履行的企业社会责任惨遭忽视。 基于现今构建和谐社会和国企改革的时代背景,作为关系民生国计的骨干国有企业的中石油,更应全面履行其社会责任,做到企业和社会全面协调可持续发展。所以本文以中石油为例,使用其 2011—2015 年社会责任报告中披露的信息和数据,比较分析这五年来指标数据的变化,结合指标所反映的内容对中石油社会责任的履行情况进行分类研究,最后发现中石油在社会责任履行中所存在的不足之处并提出完善意见, 促使中石油更好地履行其责,并成为我国其他企业履行社会责任之范本。 关键词:中石油;社会责任;和谐社会;可持续发展 ABSTRACT The rapid economic development has promoted China's energy production and consumption demand surge, this momentum also makes the oil industry in China's economic development enjoys higher and higher status. With the rise in the status of the industry, companies will seek to maximize the benefits in the first place, so that the original should fulfill the corporate social responsibility brutally ignored. Based on the background of the future construction of a harmonious society and state-owned enterprise reform, as the backbone of the people's livelihood of state-owned enterprises in the oil, but also the full implementation of its social responsibility, so that enterprises and society comprehensive and sustainable development. Therefore, this paper, taking China Petroleum as an example, uses the information and data disclosed in its CSR report in 2011-2015 to compare and analyze the changes of the index data in the past five years, and classify the performance of CNOOC in the light of the content reflected in the indicators. And finally found the oil in the implementation of social responsibility in the shortcomings and put forward the perfect advice to promote the oil to better fulfill their responsibilities, and become China's other enterprises to fulfill the social responsibility model. Key words:PetroChina;social responsibility;harmonious society;sustainable development 目 录 绪论 1 (一)研究背景 1 (二)研究目的及意义 1 研究目的 1 研究意义 1 (三)文献综述 1 国外研究现状 1 国内研究现状 3 (四)研究内容及方法 5 研究内容 5 研究方法 5 二 相关理论概述 6 (一)企业社会责任的范围及内容 6 企业对自身负责 6 企业对政府的责任 6 企业对消费者的责任 6 (二)企业社会责任的相关理论 6 利益相关者理论


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