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4.I finish reading the book tomorrow,but I am not sure about it. 答案: may/might 5.It’s surprising that Mary love such a person as Jack. 答案: should 6.That light is off.She have gone to bed. 答案: must 7.(2017·北京卷)Samuel,the tallest boy in our class, easily reach the books on the top shelf. 答案: can 8.If you want to catch up with others,you work harder than before. 答案: should 9.Harry has been driving all day—he be tired. 答案: must 10.Marty rushed off towards the station before I say anything more. 答案: could Ⅱ.完成句子 1.你不许把真相告诉我的父母,否则,我会挨打的。 You to my parents,or I will be beaten. 答案: mustn’t tell the truth 2.彼得是一个诚实的孩子,因此他不可能拿走抽屉里的钱。 Peter is an honest boy,so he the money in the drawer. 答案: can’t have taken away 3.我想提前警告你,如果你在这里吸烟的话,你会被罚款的。 I you in advance that you will be fined if you smoke here. 答案: would like to warn 4.你已经为考试准备了好几个月了,你理应通过考试的。 You have been preparing for the examination for several months;you it. 答案: should pass 5.耐心一点。你不能期望你的儿子一夜之间就爱上学习。 Please be patient.You your son to fall in love with study overnight. 答案: can’t expect 6.所有的孩子在5点以前就离开了校园。你儿子现在应该到家了。 All the children left school before 5 o’clock.Your son at home now. 答案: should be 7.杰克来晚了。他应该向我们道歉,因为我们等了他将近一个小时。 Jack came late.He ,because we have waited for him for nearly an hour. 答案: should apologize to us 8.当你过那条马路时,你一定要小心来往的车辆。 When you cross the road,you with the passing cars. 答案: must be careful 课时作业 谢谢观看! 英 语 必修3 课前·自主领悟 课堂·要点精析 课后·强化训练 课时作业 Unit 1 Festivals around the world Unit 1 Festivals around the world Section Ⅳ Grammar ——情态动词(Ⅰ) 课前·自主领悟 课堂·要点精析 课后·强化训练 Ⅰ.用适当的情态动词填空 1.I am new here. you tell me where to find a cinema to see Harry Potter? 答案: Could 2.You practice your spoken English if you want to improve. 答案: must 3.Every evening,she sit by the window,deep in thought. 答案: would 英 语 必修


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