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课时自测·当堂达标 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Our teachers always pay attention to combining (理论) with practice. 答案: theory 2.As for the meeting,everything went ahead very well. (因此,于是),it was indeed a big success. 答案: Thus 3.The new owners have tried to give the restaurant a more family-friendly ______(气氛). 答案: atmosphere 4.I bought this loaf of bread in the (连锁) store opposite the post office. 答案: chain 5.The experiment shows that the (系统) is not good enough and needs to be improved. 答案: system 6.Smoking is (有害的) to your health,so you should give it up or at least cut down on it. 答案: harmful 7.It is thought that every (暴力的) storm will eventually give way to sunshine. 答案: violent 8.What (使困惑) me is why the couple had a violent quarrel last night.I have the impression that they always get along well with each other. 答案: puzzles 9.Opportunities (存在) in our company for experienced engineers. 答案: exist 10.Fresh air is (基础的) to good health,so we should make every effort to improve air quality. 答案: fundamental Ⅱ.完成句子 1.我们一定要采取措施使这样的事不再发生。 We must take steps to again. 答案: prevent such things from happening 2.他在音乐方面很有天赋,注定会成为一名优秀的音乐家。 He has a great gift for music and an excellent musician. 答案: is to become 3.很多在线学校能让学生根据自己的节奏学习。 Many online schools at their own pace. 答案: allow students to study 4.此外,阅读使我们思想充实,使我们过上有意义的生活成为可能。 What’s more,reading enriches our minds and a meaningful life. 答案: makes it possible for us to live 5.这些船捕捞大量的鱼类,根本不让它们有产卵的时间。 These boats caught a lot of fish without giving them time . 答案: to lay eggs 6.只有努力学习,你才能在考试中取得优异的成绩。 can you get excellent grades in your exams. 答案: Only by studying hard 课时作业 谢谢观看! 基础认知·自主预习 核心突破·互动探究 课时自测·当堂达标 课时作业 英 语 必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars 基础认知·自主预习 核心突破·互


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