练习08 单词默背-倒装1-2020-2021学年【补习教材·寒假作业】高二英语(解析版)-D.docVIP

练习08 单词默背-倒装1-2020-2021学年【补习教材·寒假作业】高二英语(解析版)-D.doc

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Day 08 单词默背 1.She turned the h____________ and slowly opened the door. 2.My parents were very s_________ with me when I was young. They never had me wasting any time. 3.I don’t like skiing, which hold no a____________ for me. 4.We are busy a____________ the meeting for the next week, so there is much to do. 5.Listening to music is a real d____________ to most of the people. It brings us pleasure and happiness. 6.The Koala is u________ to Australia. 7.As we all know, and e_________ is the heart of a machine, a plane or a car. 8.The width of the street is 15 meters and the l________ is over 200 meters. 9.There is a s _______ on the wall for turning on the lights. 10.When did they s________ down in the city? 【答案】1.handle 2.strict 3.attraction 4.arranging 5.delight 6.unique 7.engine 8.length 9.switch 10.settle 【解析】试题分析:考察固定短语及单词拼写,词的具体用法。 1.handle 考察单词拼写。句意:她拧动把手,慢慢地打开门。 2.strict 考察单词拼写。句意:当我小的时候,我的父母对我很严格。他们从来不让我浪费时间。 3.attraction 考察单词拼写。句意: 我不喜欢滑雪,它对我一点吸引力也没有。 4.arranging 考察单词拼写。be busy doing 忙于做某事。 句意:我们忙于为下周的会议做准备,因此有很多事要做。 5.delight 考察单词拼写。句意:听音乐对于大多数人来说是一件真正让人高兴地事。它给我们带来了乐趣和快乐。 6.unique 考察单词拼写。句意:考拉是澳大利亚独有的。 7.engine 考察单词拼写。句意:众所周知,发动机是一个机器、飞机或车的心脏。 8.length 考察单词拼写。句意:这条路的宽度是15米,长度多余200米。 9.switch 考察单词拼写。句意:墙上有个开关,用于打开灯。 10.settle 考察单词拼写。句意:他们什么时候在城市定居下来的? 11.It is known to all that a controller’s job is very _________(充满压力的). 12.For_________(各种各样的) reasons I’d prefer not to meet him. 13.They showed great _________(毅力) in the face of difficulty. 14.The heating system in the hotel has a(n) _________(自动的) temperature control. 15.The_________(发言人) said the tone of the letter was very friendly. 16.He is p_________about the future and always expects the worst. 17.The students r________several desks to another classroom yesterday. 18.Though Mary was a little girl, she b________ as if she were an adult. 19.After a heated a________ a decision was finally made. 20.The new evidence proved his i_________and he was set free. 【答案】11.stres



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