练习11 单词默背-状语从句中的省略-2020-2021学年【补习教材·寒假作业】高二英语(解析版)-D.docVIP

练习11 单词默背-状语从句中的省略-2020-2021学年【补习教材·寒假作业】高二英语(解析版)-D.doc

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Day 11 单词默背 1.Certain drugs which are safe when taken separately are lethal (致命的) in c_________ (混合) 2.The Nobel Prize winner owed his success to his parents’ e_________ (鼓励). 3.I have a big family to support, so I need a p_________ (长久的) job. 4.The man was in a hurry; unfortunately, he was caught in a t_________ (交通) jam. 5.As a proverb goes, there is no rule without e_________ (例外). 6.The students have been active p_________ (参与者) in the discussion in their classes. 7.It is o_________ (显而易见的) that students in Shenzhen Senior High School are making great progress in their academic achievements. 8.We have to be r_________ (现实主义的) about our chances of winning. 9.The heavyweight champion is fighting an unknown c_________ (对手). 10.The history teacher gave us a lecture on a_________ (古代) Greece. 11.Tom p_________ (假装) to be asleep when his mother called him. 12.Can you name all the seven c_________ (洲) in the world? 13.The Chinese government spares no effort to get rid of p_________ (贫穷) throughout the country. 14.An unhappy home e_________ (环境) can affect a child’s behaviour. 15.The book gives s_________ (具体的) instructions on how to start a business on the Internet. 16.This bus is c________ (连接) to electric wires. 17.I’ll be very glad to accept i_________ (邀请) to your party. 18.A well-balanced student should like both intellectual things and a_________ (田径运动). 19.Nowadays more and more college graduates go to work in m_________ (多山的) areas. 20.May I have your attention please? I have an a_________ (声明) to make. 【答案】1. combination 2. encouragement 3.permanent 4. traffic 5.exception 6. participants 7. obvious 8. realistic 9. competitor 10. ancient 11. pretended (was pretending) 12. continents 13.poverty 14.environment 15.specific 16.connected 17.invitation 18.athletics 19.mountainous 20.announcement 【解析】 1.combination 考查名词combination。在本句中名词combination长度介词in的宾语。 2.encouragement考查名词encouragement鼓励;句意:这位诺贝尔奖获得者把他的成功归功于父母的鼓励。 3.permanent 考查形容词permanent永久的。句意:我有一个大家庭要抚养,所



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