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PAGE PAGE 31 PAGE PAGE 1 摘 要 新闻是传递舆论与展现国家形象的重要工具,世界上四分之三的新闻是以英语语言为载体的,这就使得新闻英语翻译显得十分必要。该课题基于目的论理论,从新闻词汇、句子、语篇和修辞等方面,探究新闻英语翻译的方法,使之更加符合目的语表达习惯,以便新闻信息更好传递给特定受众人群,更好地规范和提高新闻英语翻译的质量。目的论理论针对英语新闻翻译有很强的适用性,更加贴切翻译的要求。该选题兼具理论意义和实践意义。就理论意义而言,该选题的研究为新闻英语翻译提供一个更好的理论支撑,提供了新的翻译视角,促进了研究的继续发展;就实践意义而言,目的论翻译理论为我们找到更好的翻译策略和翻译方法,可以将研究的成果应用于指导翻译实践,可以改变现在新闻英语翻译某些不规范的现状,使英语新闻翻译质量慢慢提升,提高新闻传播效果和满足受众需求。本文首先简要分析英语新闻文体特征,结合目的论对英语新闻翻译的具体要求,其次在探索和发现新闻英语翻译过程中常出现的基本问题的同时,给出恰当的基本翻译策略,逐步完善英语新闻翻译的研究。 关键词:新闻英语;新闻翻译; 目的论; 翻译方法 Abstract News is an important tool to convey public opinion and display the image of the country. Three-quarters of the world's news is based on English language, which makes news English translation very necessary. Based on the Skopos theory, this research explores the methods of news English translation from the lexical, syntactical, textual and rhetorical perspectives, making it in line with the target language expression habits, so that news information can be better transmitted to specific audiences, which enables us to better improve the quality of news English translation. Skopos theory has a strong applicability to English news translation, and the study of news English translation from the perspective of Skopos theory has both theoretical and practical significance. In terms of the theoretical significance, the study provides a better theoretical support for news English translation, and promotes the continued development of the research. In practical terms, it opens a door for us in the long way ahead through English translation research. Better translation strategies and translation methods can apply to guiding translation practice. It can to some degrees change the current situation of some irregularities in news English translation, and improve the quality of English news translation, improve the effectiveness of news dissemination so as to meet the needs of audiences. This paper firstly analyzes the characteristics of E


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