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雅思大作文专项突破:跳槽 本文收集整理了雅思大作文专项突破: 跳槽。这是目前常见的、高频的雅思 写作话题,同学们在备考时可以边写边学,积累写作素材,以便在考试中更胸有 成竹。 Topic 22: Some people think that cha nging jobs periodically is good. What is your opinion? 解析: 换工作/跳槽(job-hoppi ng ) 的好处: ?目前的工作不能够充分发挥自己的能力 (make the best use of one's abilities),也不能够提高技 能和增加经验(improve skills and gain new experienee) 换工作(switching jobs) 可以发展多种 技能(acquire a wide array of technical skills), 丰富个人简历(enhance the resume), 提高个人的 市 场价值和工作稳定性(improve marketability and job security) ,有助于收人增 力卩(pay raise); ?竞争激烈,如果不主动增加技术和经验 (improve skills and experie nee levels),稳定的工作机 会就会很少(continued employment will be meagre), 很容易在竞争中失利(vulnerable to the competition); 就职业生存而言(in terms of career survival) ,没有高枕无忧的空间 (there is no room for complacency); 人应该懂得接受挑战,把握机会 (take on new challenges and seize opportunities), 这才是理智的职业选择 (a sound career move); ?离开目前的雇主(leave the current employer) 会绐自己一种新的期待(a sense of anticipation), —种新的学习热情(generate an enthusiasm to learn)。 换工作/跳槽(job-hopp in g) 的坏处: ? 对自己的职业发展弊大于禾U (do more harm than good to one's career); 需要付出努力去适应新 环境(adjust to the new en viro nment) ,不能 够与新同事和上司处好关系(get along well with new colleagues and supervisors),有可能被他们视为威胁(seen as a threat),工作表现不能被轻易 认 同(readily being recognised); ?频繁转换工作反一个人的低承受能力和对雇主的低忠诚度 (reflect badly on the job can didate's resilie nee and loyalty), 缺乏工作动力(lack of self-motivation), 没有目标(directionless/aimless),没有足够时间获得经验和 技能(gai n experie nces and on-the-job skills) ,因此雇主不愿意聘用 经常换 工作的人,担心很快又要重新招聘 (restart a new recruit ing process) 。 范文 In this fast-cha nging world, job-hopp ing (leav ing the curre nt employer for ano ther employme nt opport un ity) is not a rare sce ne. Much has bee n discussed about the gains and losses of such a career move. In my opi nion, job-cha nging is an in evitable step in today's labour market, reflecti ng the n ature of a modem society. A new job implies opport un ities for career developme nt, an objective many worki ng people intend to achieve. In gen eral, there are two reasons behind


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