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PAGE PAGE 1 陳葆真 宋代人物畫專題研究(碩博士班) 課號:141 M0910 藝術史研究所 2003年春 宋代人物畫專題研究課程進度與參考書目 議題與研究方法(繪畫史與文化史) 書目與名品討論 1. Hui-shu Lee, Exquisite Moments: West Lake and Southern Song Art (New York: Chinese 2. Steven Little with Shawn Eichman, Taoism and the Arts of China (The Art Institute of Chicago in association with University of California Press, 2000) 3. Maxwell Hearn and Judith Smith eds., Arts of the Sung and Yüan (New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1996) 4. Wen C. Fong et.al., Possessing the Past, (Taipei: National New York: Metropolitan 5. Wen C. Fong, Beyond Representation—Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, 8-14th Century (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art and New Haven: Yale Jerome Silbergeld, “Chinese Painting Studies in the West: A State-of-the-Field Article, The Journal of Asian Studies vol. 46 (11, 1987), no.4, pp. 849~897. 7. Wai-kam Ho et.al., Eight Dynasties of Chinese Painting: The Collections of the Nelson Gallery—Atkins Museum, Museum of Art (Cleveland: The Cleveland Museum of Art and Indiana University Press, 1981) pp. xiii~xxxi and related Catalogue entries. 8. Christian F. Murck ed., Artists and Traditions (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton 9. Wen C. Fong and Marilyn Fu, Sung and Yüan Paintings (New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1973) 10.徐邦達,《古書畫偽訛考辨》(上海:江蘇古籍出版社,1984),上冊: 頁173~175; 200~204; 208~209; 226~227、下冊: 頁5~15; 19~20。 11. Kohara Hironobu, (tr. by Anne Burkus) “Narrative Illustration in the Handscroll Format,” in Alfreda Murch and Wen C. Fong eds., Words and Images—Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy, and Painting (New York: The Metropolitan 12.古原宏伸,〈畫卷形式による中國說話畫について〉,《奈良大學紀 要》, 年,14號,頁89~110。(又參考其於台大客座期間之敘事畫 圖檔。) 13.米澤嘉圃,〈中國古代說話畫の表現方法〉,《文學》,1974 42期,3號。 三、 五代人物畫(南唐、後蜀、中原傳統) 陳葆真,〈南唐繪畫特色與相關問題的探討〉《區域與網絡—近千年 來中國美術史研究國際學術研討會論文集》(臺北:國立臺灣大學 藝術史研究所,2001),頁1-56。 陶喻之,〈孫位的繪畫藝術成就芻論〉,成都王建博物館編,《前後蜀的歷史與文化》(成都:巴蜀書社,1993),頁295-302。 徐邦達,〈韓熙載夜宴圖卷〉,《古書畫偽訛考辨》,冊上,頁156。 余輝,〈《韓熙載夜宴圖卷》年代考〉,《故宮博物院院刊》(1993),4期,頁39~56。 Wu Hung, The Double Screen—


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