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精品资料》 》》》》 精品资料》 》》》》 Heal the world 作者: Michael Jackson 作曲 : Michael Jackson ---Monologue--- --- 独白 -- Think about, um, the generations, and their, 沉思往昔潮生潮灭 人事更迭 Say we wonna make it a better place for our children, 我们时常提及希望为孩子们缔造幸福美满的家园 And our childrens children 以及薪火相传的下一代 So that they, they know what is a better world for them 使得他们知晓美好的世界仅为他们而生 And think they can make it a better place 以让他们确信自身亦能创造愈加美好的天地 Theres a place in your heart 在你内心存在一片净土 And I know that it is love 我明了这片净土充满了爱 And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow 这片净土所散发的光芒愈发灿烂 And if you really try. 倘若你真的锲而不舍地尝试 Youll find theres no need to cry 你会发觉不必为此哭泣 在这片净土上In this place youll feel 在这片净土上 Theres no hurt or sorrow你感受不到灼痛与纷扰 Theres no hurt or sorrow 你感受不到灼痛与纷扰 倘使你真心关怀生者There are ways to get there 抵达这片净土的方式灿若繁星 倘使你真心关怀生者 If you care enough for the living Make a little space 为彼此创造些许空间 Make a better place 缔造一个愈加美好的天地 Heal the world 治愈这个满目疮痍的世界 Make it a better place 使其愈发美好 For you and for me 为你,亦为我 And the entire human race 更为全人类 There are people dying 不断有人奄奄一息 If you care enough for the living 倘若你由衷关心生灵 Make it a better place 那就营造一个愈发美好的天地 For you and for me 因你,亦因我 If you want to know why 若是你知晓这一切的缘由 Theres love that cannot lie 皆因爱不曾欺骗 Love is strong 坚不可摧的爱 It only cares of joyful giving 爱皆是不求回报的付出 If we try we shall see 倘若尝试分享自己的爱,我们皆会明了 在爱的福祉In this bliss we cannot feel 在爱的福祉 Fear or dread丝毫感受不到忌惮与畏惧We stop existing and start living我们不仅只因生存 , Fear or dread 丝毫感受不到忌惮与畏惧 We stop existing and start living 我们不仅只因生存 , 更因生活 Loves enough for us growing 使爱长存爱令我们不断成长Make a better world 缔造更佳世界 使爱长存 爱令我们不断成长 Make a better world 创建怡然地球 Heal the world 治愈世界 Make it a better place 缔造更佳世界 For you and for me 为你,亦为我 And the entire human race 皆为全人类 There are people dying 时常有人濒临死亡 If you care enough for the living 倘若你真心关怀生者 Make a better place for you and for me 因你,亦因我创造一个 愈发美好的天地 我们怀揣梦想Will reveal a joyful face让我们描绘绽放的笑容And the world we once believed in我们曾经信赖的地球Will shine again in grace将重绽风采Then why do



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