新外研版高二英语选择性必修四Unit 1单词表精讲.pptx

新外研版高二英语选择性必修四Unit 1单词表精讲.pptx

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选4 Unit 1 Vocabulary take actionvi 采取行动 We?should?take?action?to?make?food?safer. 我们应该采取行动让食物更安全. boyhoodn (男性的)童年时期,少年时代He?finally?realized?his?boyhood?ambition?to?become?a?dancer.?他终于实现了他孩提时想成为舞蹈演员的抱负。 -hood 表名词,“时期,性质等” childhood ?n 童年时期 boyhood ? n 少年时期 manhood ? n 成年时期  ambitionn 追求,理想 She has achieved /realized her ambition to become a famous writer. 她实现了当名作家的夙愿。adj ambitious 1.有抱负的2.宏大的They were very ambitious for their children .他们望子成龙心切。an ambitious project traineen 接受工作培训的人;实习生a trainee teacher联想词:employer -- employeeinterviewer -- interviewee correspondentn 通讯员,记者=reportervi correspondWhat he said does not correspond with /to the truth. 符合He regularly corresponds with his former teacher. 通信 bullfightingn 斗牛Bullfighting is a sport where men fight a bull. 斗牛是一项人与公牛搏斗的运动。 historicaladj (有关)历史的places of historical interest 历史名胜a historical research /novel同义词:adj historic 有历史意义的a historic moment /event /site detectiven 私家侦探A?detective?novel or story is one in which a detective tries to solve a crime.vt detect 发现;察觉detect a difference ultimatelyadv 最后,最终Ultimately, you'll have to make the decision yourself.最终你还是得自己拿主意。adj an ultimate goal /aim 最终目标 dotn 点,小圆点 a blue tie with white dotson the dot 准时The taxi showed up on the dot.出租车准时到了。 backwardsadv 往回,往前面 look backwards admissionn 允许进入(加入)She failed to gain admission to the university of her choice.她未获自己选择的大学录取。admission charges 入场费vt I wish I could be admitted to my dream university. make up one’s mind做出决定,拿定主意I make up my mind to shake off this bad habit. 下定决心戒除这个坏习惯。 pass upvt 放过,放弃,错过(机会)You shouldn’t pass up the opportunity to go to university.你不该放弃上大学的机会。 have second thoughts(对原先的决定)犹豫,产生怀疑They will certainly have second thoughts about their requirements.他们当然会重新考虑他们的要求。 put offvt 推迟……,使……延期The sports meeting has been put off/postponed until tomorrow due to bad weather.由于天气恶劣,运动会推迟到明天举行。I will put off making the decision.联想词:call off = cancel vt 取消 reject…out of hand坚决拒绝……;彻底否决…… I wouldn’t reject an


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