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※The police gave up searching for the missing child. 警方放弃寻找那个失踪的小孩。 【自我归纳】 ①__________     放弃某物 ②________________ 放弃做某事, 戒除 give up sth. give up doing sth. 【知识延伸】 give away 赠送; 泄露; 出卖 give in 屈服, 让步, 投降(后常接to) give off 发出(气味等) give out 分配, 分发; (食物、燃料、力气等)用光, 精疲力竭 【活学活用】 选择适当的give短语填空 ①At the end of the race, his leg ________and he collapsed on the ground. ②He’s ________driving since his illness. ③She wouldn’t ______until she received a full apology. gave out given up give in ④The apples _______ a very sweet smell. ⑤(2015·浙江高考)Body language can give _____ a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive. give off away 6 commit vt. 犯(罪, 错误); 干(坏事, 错事) ※Of course, I’ve had moments of feeling sorry for myself, but I’ve never had any thoughts of committing suicide. 当然, 有时我确实感到遗憾, 但从未产生过自杀的念头。 ※They committed the patient to the mental hospital. 他们将患者移交给精神病医院。 ※He has committed himself to supporting his brother’s children. 他已答应抚养他弟弟的孩子。 【自我归纳】 ①commit suicide   _____ ②________________ 将某人置于某状态或转交某处保留、处理等 ③commit oneself/sb. _______ sth. 向某人保证/承诺做某事 自杀 commit sb. to sth. to doing 【活学活用】 语法填空 ①You must commit _______(you)to working for peace. ②The president is committed to _________(reform) health care system. yourself reforming ③He was arrested for __________ ______ ______. 他因犯有多种罪行而被捕了。 ④John could do nothing but _______ ______ to show his innocence. 约翰除了以自杀来表明自己的清白外别无他法。 committing several crimes commit suicide ⑤I will ___________ a friend for safekeeping. 我要把它托给一个朋友妥善保管。 commit it to 7 get on融洽相处; 进展 ※We have always got on really well. 我们一直相处得很融洽。 ※My father always gets on well with his colleagues. 我爸爸总是和同事相处得很好。 ※How are you getting on with your studies recently? 最近你的学习怎么样? 【自我归纳】 ①get on/along(well/badly)with sb. _________________, 若无宾语, 则不带with。 ②____________________________ /sth. get(s)on/along well/badly事情进展得好/不好, 一般用进行时态。 ③若对well或badly进行提问, 要用____。 与某人相处好/不好 get on/al



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