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H Haojing college Shaanxi University of Science & Technology 假期社会调查报告 题目:针对新镐京英语实践分析及自我感悟 学生姓名:董 勋 凯 学 号: 2412332 系 部: 信工八系 专业班级: 电气123 指引教师: 王 馨 二 〇 一 三 年 七 月 On the summer break practice report the English of new Haojing college Student Name:Dong Xunkai Student ID:2412332 Department of Department:Information Engineering 5 Professional Class:Electrical 123 Guiding Teacher:Wang Xin 2 O 1 3-year in July 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 目录 2 The Conclusive Report of the Summer Vacation Practice of the New Haojing College English 3 Abstract 3 中文摘要 4 前言 5 正文 6 实践内容 7 第一天 7 第二天 7 第三天 7 第四天 8 第五天 8 第六天 8 第七天 9 结语 10 参照文献 12 道谢 13 The Conclusive Report of the Summer Vacation Practice of the New Haojing College English Abstract In this world,there are many people who are pursuing,a lot of people to pursue and constantly in pursuit of. All the people in this world have their dreams,then toward their dreams and efforts,is a not regret journey. In order to follow this path,in order to make this journey more rich and colorful,many people of every kind of choice. In summer holidays,for some people,is a good place to recuperate and build up energy;for some it is summer time ? ? ? in many choice,because of the pursuit of different,we also no ground for blame on the wrong,if for the value of the research,may be a poor. To practice the new Haojing Square English,be without rebuke is a capacity and energy output,value and quality display. In the new Haojing Square English reports,mainly has the experience of the past few days are introduced and analyzed,these experiences are mainly daily practice time,place,person,and the specific mode of practice and content. In the process of practice,mainly for video,audio recordings and transcripts with static pictures. The recording process is comprehensive,including the participants practice time,time attitude,time environment and practice conditions of a full ran



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