高中英语课件U4 Reading 6.pptVIP

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PRE-READING * Where do we get the news? Do you know how to make the news ? What is the process ? Introduction Every morning the chief editor and the journalists discuss the main events . Reporters are sent to do face-to- face interviews or do telephone interview . Photographers are sent to take the pictures . Reporters type their stories into the computer. The stories are quickly handed to the editor . Photos are quickly developed . Editors writes the headlines and check if there is enough space. Newspaper are printed on printing machines . Newspapers are sent to every home qualities of good reporters good educaion good listener curious hard-working experience Zhou Yang Hu xin Zhou took a notebook, a camera with himself. 2. While interviewing, the reporter can use a recorder to get the facts. 3. The footballer admitted he took the money . 4. Zhou took a course of photography at mid-school. True or False Listening 1.Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily because_____ A. His first assignment was a quite a failure . B. His new boss Hu Xin asked himself to go out on a story by himself . C. His discussion with his new boss ,Hu Xin ,was to strongly influence his life as a reporter. Careful reading 2.When can a news reporter cover a story by himself? A. Never can a new reporter cover a story by himself B. Only after he has seen what an experienced reporter does C. Not until he is old enough D. Only when he takes a camera with him 3.When a reporter goes out to cover a story, he needs to -------------. A. be humorous B. be curious C. talk too much D. be rude 4. The footballer was thought to be guilty because . A. he usually told lies B. he stopped the reporter publishing an article C. he took money for deliberately not scoring in order to let the other team win D. he bribed another football team Ac


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