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Course Introduction;Evaluation;Requirements;Format of Final Test;第一讲;“狗”+“怪物”如何译? 译句:It is a monster of a dog.;讲解:从意思上看,原译听上去有点怪,狗怎么会有怪物呢?(如果翻译时照字面直译译文奇怪或不通,应该自问哪里出了问题,多数情况下恐怕是没真正弄懂原文。)即使是某条狗真拥有怪物,那么monster前似乎也该是定冠词the而不是不定冠词a。 其实,这句里的of是特殊的用法,叫“同位修饰”,即of前后的两个成分是“同位语”,前一个是修饰后一个的,所以这句应译成:这是一条恶魔般的狗。;书写给鸟看? 译句:His new book is strictly for the birds.;解释:其实许多词典都注明for the birds是一个源自美国的成语,主要用于口语,意为“没有意思或价值”,因为birds在英语里常指比自己stupid, weak的人,因此为birds准备的东西被智力正常的人认为是unacceptable。;解释:没有男人的女人就像没有自行车的鱼。完全忠实于原文,可是却让人一头雾水,怎么也想象不出来“没有自行车的鱼”是什么意思。;1、翻译的概念 2、翻译的性质 3、翻译在外语教学中的地位 4、翻译与其他学科的关系 5、翻译的分类 6、译者的素养 7、翻译市场的现状 8、翻译工具箱 ; 1、 翻译的概念;翻译是一种跨越时空的语言活动,是把一种语言已经表达出来的东西用另一种语言准确而完整地重新表达出来(范存忠:漫谈翻译《翻译理论与技巧》中国对外翻译出版公司,1985,p.80), ;J.C. Catford: 英国爱丁堡大学应用语言学院语言学家、翻译学家; 卡特福德的主要理论贡献;什么是“等值”?;“In rendering…, the translator is to convey the meaning without embellishment. … translator is to make his translation intelligible and faithful, which is the best policy to follow”. Yan Fu--“Xin(信), Da(达), Ya(雅)” (faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance). ;如何“对等”?;;Peter Newmark; 彼得·纽马克的主要理论贡献; Samuel Johnson; 巴尔胡达罗夫(《语言与翻译》1985 );Malcolm Cowley; Eugene Nida 尤金·奈达;奈达定义的理论; Some Definitions by Modern Translation Theorists;Gideon Toury;Christiane Nord;Jean Sager;吕俊;沈苏儒;张今;Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language; “It is sometimes said that there is no task more complex than translation --- a claim that can be readily believed when all the variables involved are taken into account. Translators not only need to know their source language well; they must also have a thorough understanding of the field of knowledge covered by the source text, and of any social, cultural, or emotional connotations that need to be specified in the target language if the intended effect is to be conveyed. The same special awareness needs to be present for the target language, so that points of special phrasing, local (e.g. regional) expectations, and so on, can all be ta


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