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How big can a cave chamber reach? The largest in the world is located in Sarawak, Malaysia and the room is 600 m long, 400 m wide, and 100 m high. Paleokarst features are preserved in the rock record as evidence that solutional processes were active at least into the early Paleozoic Era. For example, this photograph of a prominent sequence boundary separating middle Ordovician highstand carbonates (Everton Formation) from an overlying succession of lowstand-transgressive shoreface sandstones of the St. Peter Formation. At this locality, the erosional relief on the sequence boundary is approximately 1-2 meters. In most places, the insurgence of surface water to the subsurface and caves occurs along vertical joints and bedding planes, where corrosion begins immediately Here is a good example of two levels in the same view. An upper level passage was entrenched during base-level fall and subsequently abandoned as a lower-level stream passage developed. Here is another example. Note the abandoned upper level passage and the lower-level stream passage. The vertical distance between them is about 20 meters 油层物理第二章孔隙度和孔隙结构分析 2)毛细管压力 这一方法是把储油气岩石的孔隙(喉)视为毛细管孔隙(喉)网络,这样就可以用毛细管压力公式求取孔隙(喉)半径。 Pc=2σ/r Pc:岩石毛细管压力 σ :岩石表面张力 r:孔隙(喉)半径 压力求得的孔隙(喉)半径也称视孔隙(喉)半径或“等价孔隙(喉)半径”,这种方法能基本反映岩石的孔隙结构,而且对于铸体法难以研究的低渗透性储油气岩石的孔隙(喉)半径也能较容易的求出,因此是目前孔隙结构研究中最普遍采用的方法。 油层物理第二章孔隙度和孔隙结构分析 前面已述及,通常是把非润湿相排驱润湿相称为驱替过程,而把润湿相排驱非润湿相的反过程称之为吸入过程。在毛细管压力测量过程中,驱替过程升压时所测得毛细管压力曲线叫驱替曲线,如用压汞法则称为压汞(压入、注入)曲线,而吸入过程减压所测得毛细管压力曲线叫吸入曲线,如压汞法则称为退汞(退出、喷出)曲线。 油层物理第二章孔隙度和孔隙结构分析 二、孔隙度值大小 理论值: 标准等直径球型颗粒 最大: 立方体排列 =90° =0.476 最小: 菱面体排列 =60° =0.259 该公式说明等直径球形颗粒组成的岩石孔隙度只与排列方式有关,而与颗粒大小无关 油层物理第二章孔隙度和孔隙结构分析 实际值 表2-2 世界某些油田砂岩油层孔隙度 世界上已开发的碎屑岩油田孔隙度一般在15—35%之间,个别低于10% 实际岩石中,则受颗粒大小、分选、圆球度控制 油层物理第二章孔隙度和孔隙结构分析 级别 孔隙度(%) 特高 >30 高 25-30 中 15-25 低 10-15 特低 <10 孔隙度分级 油层物理第二章孔隙度和孔隙结构分析 三、储油(气)岩石孔隙度的影响因素 1.沉积作用 矿物成分——富火山碎屑物质的储层物性较差(与火山物质性质较软易被挤压形成假杂基及其易蚀变有关) 粒级——从粉砂岩到细砂岩直到砾岩均可成为油气储层。远源砂


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