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WOR格 式 WOR格 式 专业资料完美整理 专业资料完美整理 高中非谓语动词练习 100题(一) The park was large, by a fence and shaded by all trees. surro unding B. surro un ded C. was surro un ded D. to be surro un ded In Australia, many road sig ns are both in En glish and Chin ese, it easier for Chin ese tourists to travel. maki ng B. made C. make D. makes . the right decisi on the future is probably an importa nt thing we will ever do in our lives. Making; concerned B. Make ; concerning C. To make, concerned D. Making; concerning This page needed aga in. A. being checked B. checked C. to check D. to be checked your own n eeds and styles of com muni cati on is as importa nt as lear ning to con vey your affecti on and emoti ons. A. Un dersta nding B. To be un derstood C. Being un derstood D. Having un derstood Twen ty scie ntists were reported the top prize at the 2015 State Scie nee and Tech no logy Awards in Beiji ng on January 9th, 2016 A. to award B. to be awarded C. to have bee n awarded D. to have awarded 't afford to stay at n early all our coun try, we could n home. A. Having spe nt B. To spe nd C. Spent D. To have spe nt With his atte ntio n on his book, he did n't no tice some one en teri ng his room. A. concen trati ng B. concen trated C. to concen trate D. concen trates Mary has caught a bad cold. Has she? I regret her to put on more clothes yesterday. A. not to rem ind B. not to be rem in ded C. not rem inding D. not being rem in ded Meyer and his team were the first how the disease spreads from ani mals to huma ns. A. show ing B. show C. to show D. show n The terrible earthquake struck the southwest of the country last week, 6 deaths and hun dreds of injuries. A. caus ing B. to cause C. caused D. hav ing caused from the Song Dyn asty, the Con fucia n Temple of Nanjing has now developed into a famous sce nic spot, sightsee ing, shopp ing and tasty foods. A. Having dated; featured B. Dat ing; featuri ng C. Dati ng; hav ing featured D. Dated; featuri ng Joh nson is in deed a wise man. —Oh


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