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Module 5;Unit 2; To understand the passage, know about the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping 2. To learn to predict the meanings of the passage;;advantage anyone anything anywhere compare pay post product receive safe;several online shopping way one of… almost something later open;out go out over one day one;Look at the title of the passage. Think about the questions about online shopping. 将下列中文标注;将下列中文标注;;2 How do you pay for(支付) it? ;3 How is it changing (改变) our lives?;;阅读第一段填空 1.You can buy __________ on the Internet . 2. How do you receive your produce? ;阅读第二段填空 1.How many advantages does the online shopping have? 2. What are these advantages? ;阅读第三段填空 1.Why some people don’t like shop on the Internet? 2. Is paying pver the Internet safe? ;阅读第三段填空 第三段说明了网上购物的缺点,大家能总结一下 有几点吗? ;阅读第四段填空 1. Why no one will go to the shop any more? ;Read the passage and check the true sentences.;Complete the passage with the words from the box.;Work in pairs. Complete the table.;Write sentences describing the advantages with first and second.;Write a paragraph about shopping at a supermarket.;Language points;【拓展】 everything作代词,意为“每样事物、 每件事、所有事物”。not … anything 表 示全部否定,not…everything表示部分否 定。 【练习】选择填空。 I don’t have ________ to tell you. That’s over (结束). something B. anything C. nothing D. everything ;receive receive作动词,意为“收到、接到(信 件、礼物、电话等)”,后面可直接跟名 词。常用句型:receive sth. (from sb.) 如:You will receive a letter from Jenny. 【练习】翻译句子。 三天后你会收到礼物。 _____________________________________;safe safe 作形容词,意为“安全的”,常用作定语、表语,其反义词是dangerous,意为“危险的”。如: It’s dangerous to play football in the street. = It’s not safe to play football in the street. 【练习】 单词拼写。 Don’t swim in the river. It’s not s_____. ;I. 根据首字母及汉语提示写出正确的单词。 1. The restaurant is o___ (营业的). Let’s eat something in it. 2. —Where are you going? —I’ m going to p___ (邮寄) a letter. 3. The things here are free. You can take a_______ (任何东西). 4. — How many students like football in


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