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太原科技大学华科学院毕业设计(论文) PAGE 太原科技大学华科学院毕业设计(论文) 基于PHP的在线花卉销售系统设计与实现 摘 要 近年来我国市场经济的日趋成熟,国产企业所面对的竞争压力也将越来越大,国产企业想要生存下来,那就得使用一种高效地、方便客户购买物品和支付的购物方式,电子商务应运而生,电商这种新的商业运营模式已经被越来越多的商家运用到实际竞争中,并且已经获得了相当多的客户的认可。自从淘宝等网站的出现开始,带动了网上购物的狂潮,它们的出现推动了时代的前进,互联网的兴起为这种新型的商务模式需求提供了一个平台,软件应用技术和数据库技术成为了信息传递的主要工具,因此出现了网络花卉销售系统网。可以通过在线花卉销售系统的建立从而现对零售企业的信息化管理。本文将主要论述了在线花卉销售系统各方面功能的设计与实现的过程。 本文主要论述了用PHP搭建的在线花卉销售系统整体的系统结构设计和详细操作流程,并介绍了系统各个模块的主要功能和数据库设计及功能。在线花卉销售系统采用了B/S的结构,并且运用PHP技术进了动态窗体页面的设计。后台的数据库使用了MySQL。系统设计实现的功能有:网站首页、商品中心、会员注册、购物车四大部分。 关键词:MYSQL 、鲜花网站、B/S结构、PHP; Abstract As China's market economy matures, Chinese enterprises face competitive pressure is also growing, the enterprise needs to want to survive, we must have an efficient, convenient for the customer payment shopping form, so this kind of new business operation mode is used more and more business to the competition, and get the most customer approval. In recent years, online purchase of goods in China is extremely prosperous, it promoted the pace of the times, the rise of Internet provides a platform to meet the new demand, application software and database technology has become a major tool for the information transmission, so the network mobile phone sales system. Through the construction of online sales of mobile phone systems in order to realize the information-based management for the retailing business. This system focuses on the design and implementation of online sales of mobile phone systems function.This thesis focuses on the system structure design and operation process of online sales of mobile phone systems of PHP, and introduces the main function and the database design and the function of each module of the system. The system uses B/S structure design, dynamic form page by PHP technology. Background database using MySQL database. The design and Realization of the system functions: system management of four parts. Keywords: MYSQL, online sales of mobile phone systems, B/S structure, PHP; 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \


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