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05 年职称英语理工 AB 考试模拟题 (8) 难度E/A级 Robotic Highway Cones A University of Nebraska professor has developed robotic cones and barrels . 1 They can even be programmed to move on their own at any particular part of me day ,said Shane Farritor, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Nebraska . For example , if workers arrived at 6 a.m. ,the cones could move from the side of the highway to block off the lane at that time . 2 "It just seems like a very good application for robots , "Farritor said ."The robotic cones would also help remove people from hazardous jobs on the highway putting barrels and cones into place , "Farritor said in a report on his creation . 3 This fund allowed Farritor to work on the project with graduate students at Nebraska and his assistant Steve Goddard . The robots are placed at the bottom of the cones and barrels and are small enough not to greatly change the appearance of the construction aides . "It would look exactly the same , "Farritor said ."Normally there's a kind of rubbery, black base to them . 4 " Farritor has talked with Officials from the Nebraska Department of Roads about how the robots would be most useful to what they might need . The robots could come in handy following a slow .moving maintenance operation , like painting a stripe on a road or moving asphalt , where now the barrels have to be picked up and moved as the operation proceeds ."That way you don't have to block off a 10-mile strip for the operation,"Farritor said . While prototypes have been made . they are not in use anywhere . Farritor said he has applied for a patent and is considering what to do next . 5 He is also thinking about marketing the robots to roads departments and others across the country wh07 may benefit from them . 词汇 : cone /n .圆锥体 hazadous / adj .有危险的 aide /n .辅助用具 rubbery /adj .类似橡胶的 strip /n .条,带 asphalt /n .沥青 prototype /n .原型 patentt /n .专利权 练习: A .And they can return to the original place at the end of the day . TOC \o "1-5" \h


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