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PAGE 2 广州中小企业招工难问题研究 内 容 摘 要 近几年,广州市的劳动力成本持续上涨,中小企业招工变得愈加困难。如何解决和缓解中小企业招工难问题,帮助中小企业健康稳定发展,对促进广州市经济发展和就业稳定具有积极作用。为研究广州中小企业招工难问题,论文收集了政府部门公布的数据以及观察广州市中小企业招聘会的情况,描述了当前广州市企业用工现状,确定中小企业春节后存在不同程度的用工困难,其中制造企业的问题更严重。通过对造成中小企业招工难的原因分析,作者结合所学知识,建议中小企业在企业文化建设、员工待遇、员工的培养和储备方面加强企业内部管理,以此稳定员工,减少招聘的压力,同时,中小企业要积极开拓招聘新渠道增强劳动力供应和加快企业转型升级减少用工需求。本文主要站在中小企业的角度对招工难问题提出对策和建议,可以为类似的企业提供参考。 关键词:中小企业;招工难 Study on the Difficulties of Recruitment for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Guangzhou Abstract In recent years, the labor cost of Guangzhou continues to rise, small and medium-sized enterprises recruitment has become more and more difficult. How to solve and alleviate the difficultproblem of small and medium-sized enterprises recruitment, to help small and medium-sized enterprises healthy and stable development, to promote the economic development and employment stability of Guangzhou has a positive role. In order to study the difficulty of recruitment of small and medium-sized enterprises in Guangzhou, the paper collected the data published by government departments and observed the situation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Guangzhou, described the current employment situation of enterprises in Guangzhou, and determined that small and medium-sized enterprises have different degrees of employment difficulties after the Spring Festival, of which the problem of manufacturing enterprises is more serious. Through the analysis of the reasons for the recruitment difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises, the author combined with the knowledge learned, suggested that small and medium-sized enterprises in the construction of enterprise culture, staff treatment, staff training and reserves to strengthen the internal management, so as to stabilize employees, reduce the pressure of recruitment, at the same time, small and medium-sized enterprises should actively explore new channels to enhance the labor supply and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of enterprises t


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