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编号: 毕业设计(论文)说明书 题 目:基于单片机控制的自动抽放水系统 院 (系): 机 电 工 程 学 院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 职 称: 讲 师 √题目类型: 理论研究 实验研究 工程设计 工程技术研究 软件开发 √ 2009年 5 月 2 摘 要 水位控制系统在各个领域上都有广泛应用。随着单片机技术的发展,水位传感器的功能得到了很大提升,不仅使测量精度大为提高,也大大扩展了水位自动控制的应用范围。 本设计主要要求实现抽放水自动控制的设计,经过比较,决定使用浮筒和滑轮带动电位器来实现测量。系统在分析可行性、可靠性的基础上,参照工程设计方法,确立了结构化设计的思路。设计了一套水位检测系统,该系统是一种基于AT89C52单片机的水位测距系统,它以水位传感器为接口部件,通过不同水位时电位器应用单片机技术测量水位。该系统主要由主控制器模块、水位探测模块、信号处理模块、显示模块和电磁阀控制模块等五个部分构成。设计利用51单片机系统的I/O口,接受和处理水位传感器输入信号,经过放大和整形电路进入单片机,比较调试后确定其对应的水位。可实现10厘米内水位测量,使用LCD显示测量水位,当水位小于下限值时打开进水电磁阀,或水位大于上限值打开出水电磁阀。 基于单片机控制的自动抽放水系统,提高了水位测量的精度,减少了人为计算给测距带来的误差,简化了外围接口电路,解决了生活中测距方面带来的不便。 关键字:水位传感器;AT89C52单片机;LCD显示单元;抽放水电磁阀 Abstract The water level control system has a wide application in various fields.With the development of single-chip microcontroller technology,the function of water level sensors has been improved greatly,not only improved the measurement accuracy,but also greatly expended the scope of application of automatic water level conctrolation. The design of the main demands of the design of automatic water pump, after comparison, the decision to promote the use of float and pulley device to achieve the measurement of potential. System in the analysis of the feasibility and reliability, based on the reference to engineering design methods,the design establishs the thinking of the structure. Designed a water level detection system, which is based on AT89C52 SCM (single-chip microcontroller )water level ranging system, which the water level sensor interface components, the water level through different potential applications when measuring water level in single-chip technology. The system is mainly composed by five parts ,namely the main controller module, the water level detection module, signal processing module, display module and solenoid valve control module. 51 SCM (single-chip microcomputer)


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