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返回 上页 下页 名师招招鲜 核心单词 核心语句 核心短语 36“记”之出国留学★★★★★ 核 心 单 词 1. ___________ n.机会 2.benefit v.对……有益 3.________ adj.积极的 4.________ adj.消极的 5.influence n.______ 6.____________ adj.独立的 7.future n.未来 8.culture n.文化 9.background n. ______ 10.knowledge n. ______ opportunity positive negative 影响 independent 背景 知识 11.bright adj.光明的 12. __________ n.人格 13.__________ n.经历 14._________ adj.思家的 15.psychologically adv.心理上 16.reduce v._____ 17._______ adj.进一步的 18.language n.语言 personality experience homesick 减少 further (1)reduce...to/by……减少到/了 多少 increase...to/by...……增加到/了 多少 (2)be reduced to despair陷入绝 望 (3)reduction n.减少;缩小;减价;折扣 ①The number of smokers has been reduced by 30%. 今年吸烟的人数已减少了30%。 ②He is reduced to a beggar.他沦落为一个乞丐。 特 特别关注 reduce(3年2考)★★★★ 核 心 短 语 1. go abroad for further study _________ 2.prefer ___更喜欢 3.make foreign friends交外国朋友 4.get along well _____...与……相处得很好 5.a bright future光明的未来 6.a great opportunity一个很好的机会 7. ___ the hope of希望…… 8.make rapid progress取得很大的进步 9.benefit sb a lot _______________ 10.contribute ___有助于 出国深造 to with in 使某人受益匪浅 to 11.deal with处理 12.social activity社会活动 13.broaden ones horizons _________ 14.enrich ones knowledge _________ 15.enrich ones life experience丰富人生经验 16.have negative impacts有负面的影响 17.advantages outweigh the disadvantages _________ 18.different cultures and customs不同的文化与习俗 19. ________________________...为……打下坚实的基础 20.The reason why people study abroad is that...人们出国 留学的原因是…… 开扩视野 丰富知识 利大于弊 Lay a solid foundation for 核 心 语 句 1. There are many reasons why people are so over-enthusiastic about studying abroad. 人们过度热衷于出国学习的原因有很多。 2.Studying abroad is often considered as a great opportunity which will lead to bright future in ones ride of passage.出国留学是往往被视为一个很好的机会,给一个人的人生带来光明的未来。 3.Some people hold the view that studying abroad may benefit us a lot,while others argue that it may have many negative impacts on our life.一些人认为国外留学令我们受益匪浅,而另一些人认为对我们有很多负面影响。 4.Being exposed to English frequently enables us



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