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福尔摩斯英文简介 夏洛克·福尔摩斯,英国作家阿瑟·柯南·道尔创作人物,自称是名刑侦顾问,下面小编为你整理的福尔摩斯英文简介,希望对你有用! 夏洛克·福尔摩斯简介 Sherlock Holmes was a talented fictional detective shaped by Arthur Conan Doyle, a British detective novelist at the end of the 19th century. Sherlock Holmes claimed to be a criminal investigation adviser, that is to say when other detectives or private detectives encountered difficulties often to his help. Sherlock Holmes is often able to solve many difficult problems at home, but most of the stories are focused on some of the more difficult, need to go out to investigate the case of Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes is good at solving problems by observing and deducting reasoning and legal knowledge. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote a total of four articles, 56 short stories of the Sherlock Holmes series. The first two were the “four signatures“ published in the 1887 New Years Eve Annual Publication published by the Blood Word Study and the 1890 edition. And in 1891 began in the Strand magazine series of short stories serial, so that the popularity of Sherlock Holmes explosive rise. But until 1927, Mr. Conan Doyle wrote the sequel again. The story dates are about 1875-1907. And his last case occurred in 1914. Almost all of the stories are described by John H. Watson, a friend and biographer of Sherlock Holmes. Only two (lion feathers and skin albino soldiers) are described by Sherlock Holmes, two of which are written by the third person. 夏洛克·福尔摩斯个人经历 Early experience 1854 (born): January 6, Holmes was born, grandfather for the generation of squire (Greek translator), a man named Verne Verne do doctor distant relatives (Norwood architect). 1858 (4 years old): the whole family traveled to Montpellier of France. 1860 (6 years old): the family returned home. Grandfather died; family to the Netherlands, Rotterdam, after settling in Germany, Cologne. 1861 (7 years old): enter the aristocratic school (boarding) or ask the tutor to receive education. Uncle is the Na


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