中国茶文化 英语介绍 Chinese Tea Culture.ppt

中国茶文化 英语介绍 Chinese Tea Culture.ppt

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中国茶文化 英语介绍 Chinese Tea Culture

Chinese Tea Culture 乐梁 乐梁 乐梁 When it comes to Chinese tea, we may be impressed by its long history. The origin of Chinese tea can be traced back to the ancient tribal chief Shen Nung (Divine Husbandman) in 2737 BC. It was said that one day Shen Nung used a kind of tree leaves to detoxify himself when he was tasting a medical herb, thus contributing to the emergence and development of tea. Chinese tea flourished in the Tang dynasty and Song dynasty. 乐梁 The first book on tea, “cha jing”, was written by the Chinese author Lu Yu in the Tang dynasty. It comprises three volumes and covers tea from its growth through to its making and drinking, as well as a historical summary and the famous early tea plantation. 乐梁 We can say that the events of tea in other countries in the world, directly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea has become China’s national drink. 乐梁 2. Why do we have tea? In China, tea has a very long history, and has developed into the particular Chinese tea culture. Meanwhile, tea is helpful to our body and soul. 乐梁 绿茶 green tea 红茶 black tea green tea black tea oolong tea yellow tea white tea dark tea 绿茶 红茶 乌龙茶 黄茶 白茶 黑茶 乐梁 黄茶 yellow tea 白茶 white tea 黑茶 dark tea 乌龙茶 oolong tea 乐梁 4.Some famous tea in China (1)西湖龙井 West Lake Longjing tea green tea; >30 brands; one of the top ten Chinese tea; It is famous for its green color,delicate aroma, mellow taste and beautiful shape. The appearance of Longjing tea is characterized by smoothness, flatness, straightness and its jade-green color. 乐梁 (2)洞庭碧螺春 Dongting biluochun tea green tea; one of the top ten Chinese tea; in memory of a hard-working and kind-hearted girl named biluo; In 1954, premier Zhou took 2kgs of biluochun tea when attending the Geneva meeting; 乐梁 (3)黄山毛峰 Huangshan maofeng tea one of the top ten Chinese tea; the fresh leaves collected from the peak of huangshan mountain; 乐梁 (4)六安瓜片 Liuan guapian tea Green tea; Liuan county, A


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银行工作从业者 兴趣英语、金融、小说

