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PAGE 35 校园网络规划设计与仿真 摘 要 自21世纪以来,科学技术飞速发展,随着移动智能设备的普及和信息化教学的发展,学校基本都建立了无线校园网络,特别是高校要与时俱进,在教学和生活的各个方面为师生提供方便。在校园网的发展中,逐步形成了以有线校园网为主体、无线校园网为辅助的信息校园,各大高校建立校园网的速度也在不断加快。网络技术已经普遍进入了高校学子的日常生活,给予师生们的教学和生活极大的便利。目前,我国大部分学校已经实现了校园网全面覆盖。校园网设计主要采用传统的三层架构,从校园网发展前景、设计原则、建设目标、网络拓扑等各个方面进行规划设计,弥补以前校园网不足的地方,才能使真正的网络在走进高校的教学和管理服务中,这也需要进一步深入的研究,创造更实用,更方便的校园网。 关键词:校园网、三层架构、网络拓扑、规划设计 Campus network planning design and simulation Abstract Since the 21st century, science and technology have developed rapidly. With the popularization of mobile intelligent devices and the development of information-based teaching, schools have basically established a wireless campus network. In particular, colleges and universities should keep pace with The Times and provide convenience for teachers and students in all aspects of teaching and life. In the development of campus network, gradually formed to the main wire campus network, wireless campus network as the auxiliary information campus, campus network construction speed is also accelerating. The Internet era has entered people's life and brought more convenience to our life. At present, most of our schools have realized the campus network coverage. Campus network design mainly adopts the traditional three-layer architecture, from the campus network development prospect, design principle, construction target, the network 拓扑logy and so on various aspects of planning and design, before make up for the lack of campus network, to make the real network in into colleges and universities teaching and management service, it also need to be further in-depth research, create a more practical, more convenient to the campus network. Keywords: campus network, three-tier architecture, network 拓扑logy, planning and design 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.前言 1 1.1校园网络规划设计背景 1 1.2校园网络规划设计概述 1 2.校园网需求分析和建设目标 2 2.1需求分析 2 2.2建设目标 2 3. 所用相关技术 3 3.1 DHCP 3 3.2 VLAN 3 3.3 MSTP 4 3.4 VRRP 4 3.5 OSPF 5 3.6 NAT 5 3.7 防火墙 5 3.8 ICMP 6


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