人教版英语七下What does he look like第5课时( B 3a-self check).pptx

人教版英语七下What does he look like第5课时( B 3a-self check).pptx

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Unit 9 What does he look like?;Review;看起来像 一点;少量 戴眼镜 直发 去看电影 首先;Who is your favorite person? What does he/she look like?;Who is your favorite person? What does he/she look like?;Who is your favorite person? What does he/she look like?;Who is your favorite person? What does he/she look like?;Jack is Bill’s best friend. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. ;wear ________. He usually wears jeans, a T-shirt and sports________. I like him because he is really cool and fun, and he is good at soccer. ;Write a passage about your best friend. These questions may help you. ;写作指导:;范文欣赏一:;范文欣赏二:;Tip;Self check;head;2. What do your parents look like? Describe them.;1.Mrs. Brown在商场里不慎丢失了自己的小女儿, 去寻人处登记。假如你是Mrs. Brown,该如何向 工作人员进行描述?;2.警察正在通缉一名罪犯,而你正是案发现场的 目击者,为协助警方早日缉拿罪犯,你应该如 何向警方准确地描述嫌疑犯的特征呢?;Language points;1.We each _____ a picture of the school. A. has B. have C. having D. is having 2.He lost his bike yesterday. Luckily he found it ______. A. to the end B. in the end C. by the end D. at the end;3. We can do a lot to stay healthy. ______, we should eat a balanced (平衡的)diet. A. At a time B. In fact C. First of all D. All together;1. 他长什么样? What _______ he _______ _______? 2. 她留长直发。 She _______ long _______ _______. 3. 大卫是高还是矮? _______ David tall _______ short? ;4. 我可能会晚点到。 I _______ _______ a little _______. 5. 他不高不矮。 He _______ tall _______ short. 6. 这个人中等个子。她留着短发。 The _______ is _______ medium _______. She has _______ hair. ;7. 他们告诉他罪犯的长相。 They tell him _______ the criminal _______ like. 8. 人们并非总是以同样的方式看待事物,所以他 们会将同一个人描述得不一样。 Many people don’t _______ see things _______ _______ _______ so they may describe the same person __________. ; 9. 他长着大眼睛。 He has _______ _______. 10. 警察把它放在报纸和电视上,目的是要找到他。 The _______ put it _______ newspapers an



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