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Unit 4 My family Song time Cartoon time Ll Mm Nn / el / / em / / en / Let’s recite This is my father. This is my mother. This is Tim. He’s my brother. This is me. This is Helen. She’s my sister. Cartoon time. Bobby And Sam This is Bobby’s________. This is Sam’s_________. Who are they? 他们是谁? mother father This is tadpole’s________. mother 它们什么时间遇见的呢? Good evening. 晚上好。 看一看,找出故事中的Good evening。 Think: How to read Good evening ? 用什么语气来读出“Good evening” 1 2 3 4 Hi, Sam. Hi, Bobby. This is my mother. Good evening. This is my father. Good evening. Good evening. This is my mother. Try to think. 他们为什么如此惊讶? Why they are so surprised? Frog is tadpole’s mother. 青蛙是蝌蚪的妈妈。 你能帮助这些小动物找他们的妈妈吗? Look and match Read after the tape 1 2 3 4 Hi, Sam. Hi, Bobby. This is my mother. Good evening. This is my father. Good evening. Good evening. This is my mother. 1 2 3 4 Retell the story Hi, Sam. Hi, Bobby. This is my mother. Good evening. This is my father. Good evening. Good evening. This is my mother. How many families are there in this story? 这个故事介绍了几个家庭? Let’s act. Bobby’s family Sam’s family Tadpole’s family Acting time 扮演Bobby介绍一下他的家人吧! Hello, I’m Bobby. This is my… Acting time Sam是如何介绍他的家人的? 扮演Sam介绍一下他的家人吧! Hello, I’m Sam. This is my… Acting time Coco是如何介绍他的家人的? 扮演CoCo介绍一下他的家人吧! Hello, I’m Coco. This is my… live together 住在一起 love one another 相亲相爱 They all 他们都 They all 他们都 They all love one another. They all live together. 听一听,歌曲里唱到了什么? Father, mother, brother and sister. They all live together. Father, mother, brother and sister. They all love one another. 你会运用吗? 当你介绍你的朋友杨玲,你说: She’s Yang Ling. She’s my friend. 2. 当你介绍这是我的妈妈时,你说: This is my mother. 3. 当你和你的朋友晚上见面,你说: Good evening. Read and choose:读一读,选一选 1.当你向别人介绍自己时,你可以说:( ) A: I’m …… B:This is …… 2.当你把照片中的自己介绍给别人听时,你可以说:( ) A: I’m …… B: This is me . 3.当你向别人介绍这是我的父亲时,你可以说:( ) A: This is my father. B:


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