高中英语_How Good Are Your Social Skills教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

高中英语_How Good Are Your Social Skills教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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公开课教案 主讲人 学科 英语 班级 高二20班 日期 2012-11-2 课题 How Good Are Your Social Skills? 教学目标 【知识与技能】: 在本模块中讨论生活中的闲谈、聊天(small talk)内容,帮助学生认识不同文化背景中谈话时的交际规则和交谈技巧,提高学生的社会交际能力;同时理解说明文的文章结构。 1. Ss can understand the main idea of the passage by means of understanding some important sentences; 2. Students can practice such reading strategies as skimming, scanning, inferring, and summarizing as well as some writing skills; 3. Ss can learn some social skills. 【过程与方法】: 根据本模块的问题锻炼略读和精读技能,在对small talk的加深了解的前提下,让学生通过对段落信息的获取,来提高自己的交谈能力;也通过小组之间的合作创设语境来锻炼自己的社会交际能力,了解不同的文化背景中的交流技巧。 【情感态度与价值观】: 锻炼自己在学习中合作精神,愿意与他人分享各种学习资源,同时学会与人融洽的交流,掌握一定的社交能力。 重难点 Students can grasp the main information and put the social skills into practice. 教学方法 定义剖析、小组合作 (Group Work)、情景展示 教学用具 Multi-media(多媒体) 教 学 过 程 教学环节 教 学 内 容 教学活动设计 时间规划 Step 1: Introduction:(通过下定义及图片的形式使学生了解本节课要讨论的话题) 1. What is small talk? 2. After reading the dictionary definitions of small talk and find out some adjectives(形容词)to describe small talk(P1, Students Book): informal; unimportant; light; polite; friendly; ordinary; social… Step 2: Vocabulary and Reading Fast reading(快读) Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions.(学生快速阅读掌握文章主旨大意并学会归纳) 1) Where can you find this passage?_____ A. an English teaching book B. a business course3-4 3-4 C. a book which tells you what to do at social events D. a book to help you prepare for a speaking examination 2) Tips are given in the passage: Tip One: Learn how to do small talk Tip Two: Develop your listening skills Tip Three: Learn the rules 2. Intensive-reading(精读) Tip One:Learn how to do small talk Tip One:Learn how to do small talk 1) What kind of advance planning could you do before going to a party? _______________________________________________ 2) Fill in the chart.() 5-6 5-6 Tip Two: Develop your listening skills Tip Two: Develop your listening skills 小组合作表演 小组合作表演Dos and Donts等交流技巧 1) Discuss the ideas about Dos and Donts in your



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