高中英语_Philosophers of Ancient China教学课件设计.ppt

高中英语_Philosophers of Ancient China教学课件设计.ppt

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1.To know something about three philosophers of ancient china and their philosophy. 2.To improve the skills of reading, speaking and translating. Learning aims: Enjoy beautiful sentences: Dont pretend you know when you actually dont. 2.There must be someone who I can learn from in a group of three. 3.To review is to learn something new. 4. Never be ashamed of asking inferiors to solve your puzzles. 5. People are more important than rulers. 6. Man is born good. 7. We should love all human beings. 知之为知之,不知为不知 三人行必有我师焉 温故而知新 民为贵 君为轻 不耻下问 人性本善 兼爱 Fast reading Read the passage and summarize the teachings of the philosophers. philosophers teachings Confucius Mencius Mozi Philosophers teachings Confucius Mencius Mozi 1. Man is good. 2. People are more important than rulers. Government is most important. All men are equal. 3. Love all human beings. kindness, duty and order in society Detailed reading 1. True or false questions 2.Translate some sentences. 1) It was also a time when there were many great philosophers. 2) Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to those of Confucius. 3) 孔子是一个具有影响力的哲学家,他的学说影响了 中国社会2000余年。(用定语从句) 3. Retell Mencius’s life experiences. True or false questions States were often at peace with each other in ancient China. 2.Confucius’ ideas have the greatest influence on China. 3. Mencius spent all his life preparing a book of his teachings called The Book of Mencius. 4. Mozi’s beliefs were the same as those of Confucius. 5. Mencius is the oldest among the three. F war T F similar to Confucius F F his last years 1.It was also a time when there were many great philosophers. 那也是一个产生众多哲学家的时期。 2.Mencius was a thinker whose teachings were very similar to those of Confucius. 孟子是一位思想家,他的理论和孔子的很相似。 3.孔子是一个具有影响力的哲学家,他的学说影响了中国 社会2000余年。(用定语从句) Confucius is


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