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北京市门头沟区 2019-2021年三年中考二模英语试卷分类汇编 阅读理解 2021年北京市门头沟区九年级二模英语试题 三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分) A Our school will hold a book review meeting next month. You have to choose one of the following books and write a book review. Then send it to. Book List The 47 People You'll Meet in Middle School by Kristin Mahoney You can get Gus’s advice about growing. Funny and real, The 47 People You’ll Meet in Middle School perfectly shows the growing pains and joys. My Last Best Friend by Julie Bowe Losing a friend is hard at any age. After her best friend moves away, fourth-grader Ida May decides not to make another best friend. Author Julie Bowe gives advice about making new friends. Tight by Torrey Maldonado It may be hard for middle schoolers to make decisions. When his friend Mike forces him to accept the foolish ideas, Bryan doesn’t know how to do. So Bryan looks to his comic book superheroes to guide him down the right path. His Dark Materials Series by Philip Pullman A city hidden in the Northern Lights and the mystery of disappearing children make His Dark Materials an amazing series. This fantasy pulls you into a universe (or several) beyond your imagination. 21. How many books can you choose? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. 22. Who wrote My Last Best Friend? A. Kristin Mahoney. B. Julie Bowe. C. Torrey Maldonado. D. Philip Pullman. 23. If you’re interested in fantasy, you can choose ______. A. My Last Best Friend B. The 47 People You'll Meet in Middle School C. Tight D. His Dark Materials Series B Anderson Carey is 12 years old. One day, he saw a magazine article that interested him. It was about prosthetics (假肢), which can be used to replace a missing body part, like a hand, arm or leg. The article said people are using 3-D printers to build these devices (装置). Anderson thought this was very cool. He wanted to learn more about it. So Anderson talked to his science teacher, Dr. Holly Martin, about building a pr



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