中考英语复习 【真题分类汇编】2014中考形容词.docxVIP

中考英语复习 【真题分类汇编】2014中考形容词.docx

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PAGE PAGE 10 / 11 【真题分类汇编】2014 中考形容词 【2014 四川南允】25.—I think English is as —I agree with you. A. more interesting B. most interesting C. the most interesting D. interesting D as maths. 【2014 湖北襄阳】28. With the development of modern science, it’s for us to get information from all over the world. slower B. busier C. harder D. easier 28.D 【2014 天津】24. Mo Yan is one of writers in the world. A. famous B. more famous C. most famous D. the most famous D 【2014 四川遂宁】25. —How do you feel about the movie? — Wonderful! I’ve never seen a one before. good B. better C. best B 【2014 湖北襄阳】39. -- I don’t think history is more useful than physics. -- I disagree. In my opinion, history is physics. as useful as B. not so useful as C. less useful than D. the most useful of 39.A (2014·湖北武汉)35. —We’ve no money and the last bus has gone. Any ideas? —Oh, Tom ’ll drive home from work at this time. Ask him for a ride? funny B. bright C. opposite D. correct 35.B 【2014 山东东营】28. Overseas experience may help make our life . So why not try to study abroad? A. usual B. useful C. successful D. traditional C 【2014 浙江绍兴】18. — Guess what! Teresa makes her own clothes. — Wow, she is so . I could never do that. simple B. creative C. popular D. energetic B。 【2014 江西】27. You have to be and wait until I finish my work. patient B. strict C. honest D. active A。 (2014 年新疆阜康市、米泉市)( )34. Of the two sisters, Lucy is one, and she is also the one who loves to be quiet. a younger B. a youngest C. the younger D. the youngest C (2014 年新疆阜康市、米泉市)( )35. This movie wasn’t . He fell asleep half way through it. interesting enough B. enough interesting C. interested enough D. enough interested A 【2014 云南】39. Keep on. Don’t stop. The you climb, the you will see. highest, farthest B. highly, father C. high, far D. higher, farther D【解析】考查比较等级的用法。“The+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越…………, 就越……”。句意“继续前进,不要停止。你攀登的越高,就看的越远”。 (2014 陕西)27.Lucy is a(n) student. She answers the teachers' questions in her class. more active, more


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