新外研版八上M3 Sports Unit 2 This year we are training more carefully (17)课件(省一等奖).ppt

新外研版八上M3 Sports Unit 2 This year we are training more carefully (17)课件(省一等奖).ppt

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欢迎您使用精品系列课件 本课间为大赛获奖作品,请您下载使用,并留下宝贵意见! The success turns on our effort. 1. To polish your composition and share with your classmates. 2. To make a poster for your favourite sport and include it in the poster. 2 1 exciting TEXT HERE TEXT HERE TEXT HERE boring 无聊的 令人兴 奋 的 relaxing 放松的 令人愉 快的 enjoyable tired 疲劳的 what / score match / exciting nothing / enjoyable stay at home easy plenty of time score 01 02 03 04 The p_________ starts at 10 am. We are going to play a _______ another school next week. We are training harder than usual because other team b____ us last year. Our coach is p_______ because we are playing better as a team now. ractice gainst eat leased Challenge for chance Sports * * * * * 2 1 0 7 2 1 0 7 2021 年 “精 英 杯” 全国公开课大赛 获奖作品展示 教育部“精英杯”公开课大赛简介 2021年6月,由教育学会牵头,教材编审委员会具体组织实施,在全国8个城市,设置了12个分会场,范围从“小学至高中”全系列部编新教材进行了统一的培训和指导。每次指導,都輔以精彩的優秀示範課。在這些示範課中,不乏全國名師和各省名師中的佼佼者。 他们的课程,无论是在内容和形式上,都是经过认真研判,把各学科的核心素养作为教学主线。既涵盖城市中小学、又包括乡村大部分学校的教学模式。適合全國大部分教學大區。本課件就是從全國一等獎作品中,优选出的具有代表性的作品。示范性强,有很大的推广价值。 M3 Sports Tianjin No.89 Middle School Shijing A B C The 13th Game of the People's Republic of China. This year we're training more carefully. Unit 2 1.What's your favourite sport? Why? 二维码消息上墙 2. Which school team do you want to join in? 投票 ASK AND ANSWER My favourite sport is... Why do you like it? A. B. A. B. What's your favourite sport? I like it because... 翻牌名字 点名器 Get the key points of this passage. Steps 1 Read and practise What Why 1. We arrive __________________. 2. We’re training ______ than _______. as early as we can So we have time to warm up. harder usual The other team beat us last year. This year we want to do better. 3.It’s_______________ to practise in winter. 4. Our coach is ______. more difficult pleased The days are short and the weather is cold. We are playing better as a team now. Prob



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