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表达厨房英语的情景口语 学习英语是不能偷懒的,因为一偷懒就会学习不好了,下面就由小编今天给大家带来的是英语的情景口语对话,大家一定要勤奋一点哦 情景对话 Food Preparation 食材准备 Before you start cooking, you need to prepare the food. This could be anything from: 准备下厨前,先准备好食材。任何食材都可以: washing vegetables like spinach, broccoli,cabbage 洗蔬菜;例如菠菜,花椰菜,卷心菜 slicing thinly or thickly onions, carrots, celery 切片,薄或厚;如洋葱,胡萝卜,芹菜 peeling carrots, potatoes 削皮;胡萝卜,土豆 chopping finely or coarsely or into chunks onions, garlic, ginger, carrots 切块,精致地或粗略地切成块;洋葱,大蒜,姜,胡萝卜 shredding cabbage, cucumber 切碎片;卷心菜,黄瓜 marinating meat 将肉浸泡在卤汁中,腌肉 whisking the eggs or cream 搅拌搅动鸡蛋或奶油 grating cheese 压碎奶酪 Cooking 烹饪 After you have prepared the food for cooking you might need to: 准备好烹饪的食材后你需要做的是: melt some butter in a pan 在平底锅内融化一些黄油 bring to the boil 煮到沸腾 simmer gently 小火慢炖 steam some vegetables or fish 蒸蔬菜或鱼 fry some mushrooms 炒蘑菇 grill the tomatoes 烤番茄 roast the vegetables or meat 烘焙蔬菜或肉 stir-fry some chicken 用旺火煸(炒)鸡肉 scramble the eggs 煎鸡蛋 While you’re cooking you will need to: 烹饪过程中你需要: stir gently, constantly or occasionally 轻轻地,持续地或偶尔地搅拌翻转 whisk the hollandaise sauce 搅拌荷兰辣酱 turn the meat over 把肉翻过来 season with salt and pepper 加入盐和胡椒调味 sprinkle some herbs or spices 撒些香料调味料 做饭常用口语: How much meat do you need? 你需要多少肉? Are they fresh enough? 够新鲜吗? Dress the fish. 把鱼内脏掏洗干净。 What are you cooking? 你在做什么饭? The meat will scorch. 肉要烧焦了。 Dice the eggplant. 把茄子切成丁儿。 The gas cooker doesn’t work. 煤气灶坏了。 It’s in the cabinet. 在橱柜里。 Hand me a plate. 递给我一个盘子。 I want to leave the stew to simmer for 5 minutes。 我想把炖肉煨5分钟。 Boil some water. 烧点水吧。 I smell gas, turn it off. 我闻到煤气味了,把煤气关了。 It’s still not mixed well enough. 还没有完全搅拌好。 Whisk two eggs. 打两个鸡蛋。 Could you pu


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