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初中英语经典诵读 100 篇 Unit 1 Be a Brave Seed 做一粒勇敢的种子 Once upon a time, there were two seeds. They often talked with each other. One day, they lay on the ground and had a chat. The first seed said, I want to grow! I want to be big so that I can enjoy the sun and the rain! Later, it grew. It had a chance to enjoy the sun and the rain. The second seed said, I am afraid of growing up. If I grow, I have to live in the soil. I might be eaten by littl e animals. How terribl e! And whats more, if I become a beautiful fl ower, a child will come and pick me. Its much better for me to wait because it is safe. It didnt grow. In spring, a chick came. The chick ate the second and l eft. See? We should face our life bravely. [注释] seed [si?d] n. 种子 lie [la ?] v. (lay, lain )躺 soil [s ??l] n. 土壤; 土地 bravely [bre ?vli] adv. 勇敢地 从前,有两粒种子。它们常常在一起交流。有一天它们躺在地里开始交谈。 第一粒种子说: “我想发芽!等长大了,我就可以享受阳光和雨露。 ”后来,它发 芽了,长大了,同时,也拥有了享受阳光和雨露的机会。 第二粒种子说: 我害“ 怕成长。如果我成长了, 我就不得不生活在这土壤里。 这样我就可能被一些小动 物吃掉!这太可怕了!再者,就算我长成一朵漂亮的花朵,淘气的孩子还会把我 摘走。我还不如待在土壤里更安全。 ”最终,它没有发芽。 春天到了,一只小鸡 发现这粒埋在土里的种子并把它吃掉了! 明白了吗?我们每个人都必须勇敢地面 对生活。 Unit 2 Finding Nemo 海底总动员 Finding Nemo is a story about Marlin and his son, Nemo. Marlin lives with his only son Nemo. A few years later, its time for Nemo to go to school. On Nemos first day to school, a diver catches him and takes him to live in a fish tank. Marlin worries about his son so much. So he swims after the man but he isnt fast enough. Marlin meets a new friend Dory. She is very cl ever and can read human writing but forgets things easily. Marlin and Dory then begin to find Nemo together. At the same time Nemo tries hard to get out of the tank. Finding Nemo is a movie about


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