(外研版)必修一高考分类题库:完形填空 Word版含解析.doc

(外研版)必修一高考分类题库:完形填空 Word版含解析.doc

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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u一、记叙文 - 1 - 二、说明文 - 16 - 三、夹叙夹议文 - 16 - 四、议论文 - 37 - 考点3 完形填空 记叙文 (·全国卷Ⅰ·完形填空) 话题:紧急救援  词数:253W  难度:★★★★ A Heroic Driver Larry works with Transport Drivers. Inc.One morning in 2009,Larry was 41 along 165 north after delivering to one of his 42 .Suddenly,he saw a car with its bright lights on. 43 he got closer,he found 44 vehicle upside down on the road.One more look and he noticed 45 shooting out from under the 46 vehicle.Larry pulled over,set the brake and 47 the fire extinguisher(灭火器).Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out. The man who had his bright lights on 48 and told Larry he had 49 an emergency call.They 50 heard a woman’s voice coming from the wrecked(毁坏的)vehicle. 51 the vehicle,they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.They told her to stay 52 until the emergency personnel arrived, 53 she thought the car was going to 54 .Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move 55 she injured her neck. Once fire and emergency people arrived,Larry and the other man 56 and let them go to work.Then,Larry asked the 57 if he was needed or 58 to go.They let him and the other man go. One thing is 59 —Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle!His 60 most likely saved the woman’s life. 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文,文章叙述的是一位送货司机在路上勇于救人的故事。 41.A.walking  B.touring  C.traveling  D.rushing 【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。句意:2009年的一天早晨,Larry正沿着165号路向北行进。根据首句Larry works with Transport Drivers,Inc.可知,Larry正开车“行进”。walk步行;tour旅游,游览;travel旅行,(以某速度)行进;rush猛冲,急速行进。 42.A.passengers B.colleagues C.employers D.customers 【解析】选D。词义辨析题。由于Larry是司机,他的任务就是为“顾客”送货(deliver)。passenger乘客;colleague同事;employer雇主;customer顾客。 43.A.Since B.Although C.As D.If 【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。当Larry靠近那辆开着灯的汽车时……。根据逻辑关系可知,此处表示时间。since自从,既然;although虽然,尽管;if如果;as当……时候,随着。 44.A.each B.another C.that D.his 【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。他看到另一辆汽车在路上翻了个底朝天。前文he saw a car,走近之后,


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