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第13讲:高考核心词汇+特殊句式考点梳理+题型综合练 蚊子 n. mosquito 电动机,马达 n.motor 泥泞的 adj.muddy 乘;做乘法 v.multiply 谋杀 vt.&n.murder 肌肉;体力 n.muscle 音乐家 n.musician 顽皮的;不听话的 adj.naughty 海军的 adj.navy 必要的;必须的 adj.necessary 项圈,项链 n.necklace 谈判;洽谈;协商 v.negotiate 邻近地区;街坊;居民点 n.neighbourhood 侄子;外甥 n.nephew 报刊经售人 n.newsagent 激发学生努力学习 motivate students to study 爬山 climb the mountain 口头上的 by word of mouth 一部感人的电影 a moving movie 五四运动 May Fourth Movement 乐器 musical instruments 多项选择 multiple choice 一次神秘事件a mysterious event 午后小睡片刻 have/take a nap after lunch 九死一生 a narrow escape from death 天生地 by nature 满足需要 meet/answer/fulfil/satisfy/fill the needs of 对工作消极的态度 negative attitude to/towards work 忽视自己的健康 neglect one’s health 保持中立 remain/keep neutral 胡说,废话 v. nonsense 许多的 adj. numerous 托儿所;苗圃 n. nursery 营养品 n. nutrient 障碍(物) n. obstacle 显然的,明显的 adj. obvious 犯法行为,过错;冒犯;得罪 n. offence 官方的;正式的 adj. official 单边的;片面的 adj. one-sided 操作员;话务员 n. operator 对手 n. opponent 反对;反抗 vt. oppose 管弦乐队 n. orchestra 普通的,平常的 adj. ordinary 东方 n. orient 人体的正常温度 the normal temperature of the human body 打中他的鼻子 hit him on the nose 记上课笔记 take lesson notes (和……)没关系 have nothing to do with 没注意,不理会 take no notice of 不时;每隔些时候就…… now and then 大量地 in large/great numbers 核武器 nuclear weapons 反对被如此对待 object to being treated like this 遵守交通规则 observe the traffic rules 有时 on occasion 提供一份工作 offer a job 偶尔 once in a while 独子 the only son 开幕式 the opening ceremony [高考考情分析] 题型分类 典题试做 命题解读 语法填空 1.It could be anything -gardening,cooking,music,sports-but whatever it is,make(make) sure it's a relief from daily stress rather than another thing to worry about. 2.It was when we were returning home that I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble. 在语法填空中强调句是高考的难点,倒装句是高考的热点,在语法填空中出现的概率较大。此外,状语从句中的省略、祈使句和there be句型的各种时态的应用也是高考考查的重点项目。 短文改错 1.I had trouble overcoming my addiction to alcohol,and so was→did my friend Mike. 2.It is the stable and comfortable life where→that has destroyed the young man's ambition to be a great explorer. 1.倒



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